So, have you heard about this new virus going around???

Would you rather hear more about this virus, or catch it and die???

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Well-Known Member
Trump calls it a Chinese virus, but all their viruses look the same to me. But I don't think it's anything serious. If it was, there would probably be other threads on this topic. As you were...

P.S. Mods, just because I mentioned the virus, and Trump, doesn't mean this is a political thread. Please don't move it to Politics. I'd rather see it killed. Thank you for your consideration...
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Future IQ test question:

Q. If you have a pandemic, and you have 2200 cases on Friday the 13th, 4400 cases on Monday the 16th and 8800 cases on Wednesday the 18th, how soon will you have 1 million cases?

Hint: Remember when you were a little kid and your mom told you that you can be a millionaire by the end of the month if you start with a penny and double it every day?

A. April Fools day won't be a joke this year.
Trump calls it a Chinese virus, but all their viruses look the same to me. But I don't think it's anything serious. If it was, there would probably other threads on this topic. As you were...

P.S. Mods, just because I mentioned the virus, and Trump, doesn't mean this is a political thread. Please don't move it to Politics. I'd rather see it killed. Thank you for your consideration...

I just want to wipe my butt.

Future IQ test question:

Q. If you have a pandemic, and you have 2200 cases on Friday the 13th, 4400 cases on Monday the 16th and 8800 cases on Wednesday the 18th, how soon will you have 1 million cases?

Hint: Remember when you were a little kid and your mom told you that you can be a millionaire by the end of the month if you start with a penny and double it every day?

A. April Fools day won't be a joke this year.

I like turtles...

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Trump calls it a Chinese virus, but all their viruses look the same to me. But I don't think it's anything serious. If it was, there would probably other threads on this topic. As you were...

P.S. Mods, just because I mentioned the virus, and Trump, doesn't mean this is a political thread. Please don't move it to Politics. I'd rather see it killed. Thank you for your consideration...
Yay, thank sweet baby Jesus we have the SPaCe force instead of the pandemic response teamIMG-20200308-WA0003.jpg