so hear me out here


Well-Known Member
internet annyonimity(sic).cant be tuff in real life?its easy to be mean an degrade here.whos gonna kick ur ass?i know for a fact that sum of the stuff said here wood never be said to ur face.seriously who wood get by in life acting the way certain peeps here conduct themselves?im 6-1 bout 260lbs an gurantee that i wouldnt be talked to like i see sum of the responses ive amazes question been asked an answered b4?dont rant an rave an show ur superior knowledge an intelligence just move on an dont be a prick.were pot smokers 4 christs sake.peace love take a puff!!!!!!!!!

its funny that you say that when the people who have to post there height and weight obviously have something to hide

but yea you made a good point


Well-Known Member
its simple 2 types of ppl no1 when ppl feeling low they imagine some nerdy keyboard wanking geek sitting typeing into these and other forums so they give a bitta shit towards them and it makes them feel better same as if ya feeling down and ur walking through the town and ya see some homless person ya look at them and feel a bit happyer and think ur lifes not so bad every1 does it and those who say they dont are fuckin liers. And for the other type well what can i say work in retail for a bit and ull see that some ppl are just complete and otter fucking noobs that just like the sound of there own voice and thats that. O yea 1 more type is the mental bastards like myself and i dont care what any1 thinks i just say it like i see it sure im not always right but 99.9% of the time i am :) and if its on forums or real life i still say what i think, but i think my type would be the bad mental health type


Well-Known Member
[QUOTE="SICC";3111138]its funny that you say that when the people who have to post there height and weight obviously have something to hide

but yea you made a good point[/QUOTE] believe me when i say if ya met me you wouldnt talk shit to me in person.statement of fact.that being said im easy going til im lied too or spoken to w/ no respect on a personnal no different then any body in that respect.difference is im physically bigger than %95 peeps out there.peace and not only do i believe in that phraese but try to live by it.:peace:


Active Member
Lets look at it this way RIU:

Any forum you go on has these types of people. I am a member of multiple forums, and this shit goes on everywhere. I haven't been here long, but I can identify these people with relative ease, 1 of which has posted is this thread already. They get a kick out of trying to get a rise out of people, as stated makes them feel superior. In actuality, they are deflecting from their own self worth, which is zero. I haven't been here long, but the lack of common sense in these people astonishes me. Admittedly, I won't say in my short time here that I haven't created conflict, but within good reason ( I refer you to the old crushing thread ) I don't attack, therefore I ask the same respect of others to not be attacked, especially as it pertains to useless banter. Everyone has an opinion, and it's not in your right to attack someone for it. Disagree, yes. It has been said over and over here, it makes certain members feel bigger and badder to put down someone else. In reality, said person is of no consequence to you or anyone else, best to just ignore. I'll tell you now that if I as a mod, there would be plenty of bans and that would make this place that much more tolerable to visit without having to read through the bullshit. Mods do this for free so asking them to police more is not correct, but a little more attention to these guys should be paid. I'm not tooting my own horn here, I just call it like I see it.


Well-Known Member
to which i replied.

its called internet gladiating and there is a ton of gladiators around hea. they are pencil dicked worms who have no real life except to show how goddamn impressive and superior their overworked pulsating hulk like brains & craniums are. they must be a fuckin joy to live with in real life lol.

well my cheezey friend, it means in real life when a steven hawking type of dude insults me, i might smack the shit out of them. but on the internet that same steven hawking dude can sit in anonymity and talk shit to everyone. he can be a ufc street fighter with a phd to boot(online). so he can talk shit to everyone everywhere but instead of getting the bitch slap. he can only get in a debate and try to show how superior his big brain is along with never being wrong. thus making him an internet gladiator(credit goes to 40acres for that saying).
internet gladiators are usually very smart and cultured in their own eyes and always better at anything than you. therefore they are arrogant self centered fucks in real life who make everyone around them miserable, so no one usually hangs out=no friends. so they sit and harass people all day on the interwebz.:mrgreen: help??bongsmilie
why you talkin bout bricktop like that?


Well-Known Member
believe me when i say if ya met me you wouldnt talk shit to me in person.statement of fact.that being said im easy going til im lied too or spoken to w/ no respect on a personnal no different then any body in that respect.difference is im physically bigger than %95 peeps out there.peace and not only do i believe in that phraese but try to live by it.:peace:
If you like like you're Avatar your dam right I wouldn't speak shit to you.

With these annoying little irks (again how we might imagine them) I cant understand why some people get so upset with what's said. Surely most of the ones that spread shit are just doing it on purpose to get a response.

We should try to be bigger than them mentally, prove them wrong and move on. Don't take the bait.


Well-Known Member
believe me when i say if ya met me you wouldnt talk shit to me in person.statement of fact.that being said im easy going til im lied too or spoken to w/ no respect on a personnal no different then any body in that respect.difference is im physically bigger than %95 peeps out there.peace and not only do i believe in that phraese but try to live by it.:peace:
are you trying to admit ur overweight? its ok its good to talk about ur probs m8y :) ya wanna hug big guy lol jk jk

Green Cross

Well-Known Member
are you trying to admit ur overweight? its ok its good to talk about ur probs m8y :) ya wanna hug big guy lol jk jk
The internet bullies are the same dickheads who bully other kids in school, except it isn't possible to kick them squarely in the nuts here. :lol:

And If humans don't have a choice to do good or evil then why are the prisons full? Animals aren't held accountable for their actions. Even when you put an animal down you're doing it for the safety of others, it's not punishment. Humans have a choice...but few here think they'll ever be held accountable for their actions in this life, but the decline of western civilization started a long time ago.


Well-Known Member
m8y i was jokin ya about! i couldnt care less what weight ya are i just had to put a cocky coment in due to the type of thread this is i couldnt help it lol


Well-Known Member
The internet bullies are the same dickheads who bully other kids in school, except it isn't possible to kick them squarely in the nuts here. :lol:

And If humans don't have a choice to do good or evil then why are the prisons full? Animals aren't held accountable for their actions. Even when you put an animal down you're doing it for the safety of others, it's not punishment. Humans have a choice...but few here think they'll ever be held accountable for their actions in this life, but the decline of western civilization started a long time ago.
yea ur right the decline of the west started a long time ago its times like now when ya see the cunts running about ya get thinking maybe genocide against certian ppl isnt that wrong


great responses guys but remember im not just asking about the internet or RIU

i mean in RL too, why is everyone pre programmed to be a douche bag by default... and a lot of people arent even willing to make that extra effort that could just make everyones day a little better

last night this big black dude comes up to me asking to help him out with some gas

he was like maaan me and my wife over there in my car, man we stuck and we tryin to get some gas to get the fuck home man i only got like two fuckin somethin

so i pulled out 3 bucks and said now you got five fucking something man get home safe

most people i know would have either belittled him for talking the way he does, lied and said they have nothing to give, or just walk away

people just arent nice =/


Well-Known Member
Heh, I can never give a beggar actual cash... but, I will put money on a pump, buy them a burger, or give them a joint. As long as I know what the money is going towards and see them use it for that reason I have no problem helping, I just don't want my money going towards crack or alcohol.


Active Member
Socata, it's just not passionate rebuttal, it's the truth.

And since you posted it here Keenly, I use it as a prime example. Most forums I belong to have a testimonial section where mods pick and choose members. I understand the time it takes, but sometimes is necessary. then if your accepted, your on probation for 6 months, where any small infraction is result of banning an IP addy. I don't ask the mods to do this cause again, they do it under their good graces, but there has to be a better way. Christ, I've been here for a little less than 6 months and already the amount of underage members is incredulous to me. You want to run a good website, well put a little more effort into it. I'm not saying I'm better than the mods, but for christs sake, DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT! This place could be so much better.

Keenly, I hate to shit on your thread, but people fighting with other people outside these forums in life is a non issue. You ask a question that will never be truthfully answered, there will be conflict for the rest of time. It's not just here, it's everywhere. Sorry if I hijacked your thread.


Active Member
Because thats the way it is. No one on Earth has the answer to your question. If they did, they would hav the answer to "world peace" which will never be realized. Fundamentalists and extremist make it so. Direct your question at them, they are the ones who make this world shit.


Well-Known Member
but why are humans this way, that was my original question
"just because" doesnt work for me
the world is starting to be dominated by assholes w/ a me first attitude. our culture is saturated with shit tv, music, plastic surgery, advertising etc..some are being consumed by trying to obtain the rich and famous lifestyle & wealth. SOME people would sell their souls to get fancy cars, houses, the perfect body(the perfect life). we are chasing after material things for happiness. only intent on instant gratification & more more more. fuck the consequences i gotta live for me and make me happy.:mrgreen: thats the most important right.....ME?? yes i am guilty of it too, cuz i would kill to have my 360 back right now lmao and i watch shit shows on vh1 to see nice boobies and nice rumps.