If it were me, I'd plan on getting three females. You might get more, but three is probably the most you'll be able to support with bushy Indicas anyways.
I'm no expert on CFL's, I've never done an entire grow with them, so you'll probably be better off if you seek out someone like Roseman. To me, one of the advantages with CFL's (besides low heat) is that you can spread them out to give a nice horizontal light spread. The disadvantage is that they don't have a lot of vertical penetration.
So you want to try to get a nice level horizontal canopy going so all your main buds will be at the top of the plants, directly under the lights. A ScrOG will give you this, but since you don't know what sex they are yet a ScrOG is probably out of the question (you don't want to have to deal with pulling a male out of a screen and with seperating the roots in the reservoir at the same time). So I would look at other methods of keeping a level canopy like LST or super-cropping.
If you want to top or FIM I would do it now and I would shoot for four main colas on each plant. But really, especially with the taller plants, I would just super-crop them to get them to bush out and level out the canopy. It basically gives you the same results as LST, but is easier to do in my opinion. Give MostlyCrazy a shout, he's an expert on supercropping.