So how many people can utilize the grow advice they get?

I'll be honest. When I first found this site the abundance of information was a bit overwhelming. I had personally been growing weed for about 30 plus years at that time. I thought I knew enough to achieve a good final product. It was simple for me then.
I was an outdoor grower who simply just dug a hole put in my soil of choice and provided water when mother nature didn't provide. I was always very happy with my final product.
I never worried about woulda , coulda , shoulda I was just looking to make sure I had enough to get me thru to the next year which I always seemed to do.
Now that I'm older my outdoor growing days are over. I'm strictly an inside man now .
I do use higher quality products now than before which I learned about from folks here. I strive to use only organic supplements in my grow room but that's about as far as I go. I still strive for simplicity. Could my lack of chasing the numbers to make sure everything is perfect hurt my final product ? I'll never know.
I'm extremely happy with the efforts of my labor and ultimately that's all that matters !