so i bought a tent......WTF DO I DO NOW?


i got a tent
600w hps
extractor fan
tangerine dream
super silver cheese

im gonna germinate seeds the towel way...
put them in a pot with soil...

then what do i do from there?


Well-Known Member

i got a tent
600w hps
extractor fan
tangerine dream
super silver cheese

im gonna germinate seeds the towel way...
put them in a pot with soil...

then what do i do from there?
Get all set up and then go get a new ps3 game or whatever you kill time with cause it takes a long time and waiting is the hardest part!


Well-Known Member
How big is the tent? Your question can be answered many different ways

Where are you going to veg them?


Active Member
Once they sprout, put them in the dirt, with the light about 24inchs above the pots. You will probally want to pick up some nutrients, and a carbon filter. Water them when they are dry, feed evey other watering. Keep on 18/6 for about 4 weeks, then switch to 12/12. Two months later you should have some mature plants. Trim them up, hang in your tent with the exhaust running and a cir. fan. Jar, cure, smoke. Thats about it, give or take about 1000 variables.


Well-Known Member
Once they sprout, put them in the dirt, with the light about 24inchs above the pots. You will probally want to pick up some nutrients, and a carbon filter. Water them when they are dry, feed evey other watering. Keep on 18/6 for about 4 weeks, then switch to 12/12. Two months later you should have some mature plants. Trim them up, hang in your tent with the exhaust running and a cir. fan. Jar, cure, smoke. Thats about it, give or take about 1000 variables.
lol thats great...bongsmilie
420forme.............well done sir
thats all i needed...a basic outline to follow
ill deal with the nitty gritties when it comes to it


Tommy, I suggest before you start you do a lot more research. If you don't know how to simply start growing there are many issues you are going to run into. Simply going into this blind is only going to result in failure. There is much more to growing than just setting up shop and hoping for the best. 420 said there are a "1000" variables which is truly and understatement. You are going to need a PH meter to start off with which wasn't in your list of items, simply having a PH off can crush you before you even start. Do a bit more reading on here before you start or failure will be a sure outcome.

Good luck and be more descriptive. Ask detailed questions so we can give you more detailed answers.

Also, you are doing this indoors. What type of soil are you using? What size pots? What size is your grow room? More info = Better answer, hope to hear back because i would definitely like to help you out. Take care and happy growing, good luck
indoors - tent is 1 metre squared and height: 2m

no idea what soil to get because the ones mentioned on here are american brands

ive done a fair bit of research and had things like ph meter written down in a little book i write all grow related tips in.


Ok awesome.

So if you don't mind, what system are you using? Simply going to hand water in soil? What makes you choose soil? Have you considered other grow mediums? Some are more effective and easier to control than soil IE: Coco, perlite, vermeculite. All of these things can be found online and are easily found in local hydro stores.
Give me more info, are you only growing two plants? Do you have any idea on what type of nutes you are going to use?

More info please!!!


Active Member
i would recommend fox farm ocean forest or humboldt for soil. its best to use a metal halide for veg, but you can use a high pressure sodium and it will work just find. you dont really need a ph meter. my entire first grow i got away without one, although if you decide to really get into it, you will def want to get one. i would start off using the fox farm nutes. the ones i use are big bloom, tiger bloom, and grow big. for the first couple weeks you should just need water. tap is usually fine however personally i go to walmart and use the culligan machine for reverse osmosis water. its under $2 for 5 gallons. put a moist paper towel in a zip lock bag and spread some seeds out. place the bag in an area of complete darkness. i prefer an old board game up in a closet(by placing it high up in a room you get a slight temp increase since heat rises). you want to make sure this spot is warm enough, like about 80°F a little under should be ok. in 2-5 days the seeds should sprout. place the seeds in small cups like 1/2 inch below soil, anything will do really but i prefer Styrofoam since they're easy to peel apart if needed. couple days and your plants should be comming up. always make sure the soil is kept moist and if using a HID light make sure its farther away than normal cause you dont want it to dry up. also a lot of light isnt needed at this point. after about a week in the cup, your roots will probably have trouble expanding so its time to transplant into small pots. be prepared, cause from this point on, especially with your 600 watter, your plants are going to explode with growth. this stage of growth is known as the vegetative state. i also like to add about 1-2 tbsp of big bloom per gallon of water. also during the vegatative stage, i keep my light running 24/7, no timer. it is much faster. others will tell you to do 18/6 and that works, but 24/7 is faster and you will get less spacing between nodes. it wont take long like maybe a week or so before the roots run out of room again, so you will want to get bigger pots again. i dont recommend starting off in big pots like i did my first grow. its much more efficient to slowly increase pot size. otherwise you have a lot of excess soil just sitting especially at the bottom of the pot. its wet and promoting mold growth. another thing you may want to do is get some neem oil. i like to make a strong mixture of it and spray just the surface of my soil. dont get it on the plant leaves cause if its too strong it will kill them. the reason i use neem is because it helps deter insects, and its great to prevent mold. every once in a while i water my plant and add a very weak solution of neem to help deter insects and stop mold through out the entire soil. but make sure its not too strong or it can kill the plant. once your plants get a few leaf sets which they probably did back in the smaller pots, use like 1 tsp per gallon of grow big. as your plants get bigger, you can add more. some strains also eat heavier than others. when your plants are big and healthy you want to put your your light on a timer. 12 hours of light and 12 hours of dark. this is known as your flowering cycle. during the dark make sure no light can get through. you want complete darkness or it can stress your plant. in about 10 days after being under 12/12 you should notice pistols and hairs forming between the nodes of the plants. now you have to wait about 6-12 weeks and chop down when they look ready. you want your trichromes or crystals to be a milky white color and also just starting to turn amber. by this time most of your hairs should also be reddish brown. also during your flowering you want to use the tiger bloom nutrients instead of the grow big. i use the big bloom through out the entire cycle and eventually build up to about 4 tbsp per gallon. there really is no exact standard to doing things. a lot of it you make your own personal twist. read a LOT on this site and you will learn. you will make mistakes but dont worry, everyone does and its how you learn. what i told you is just pretty much the basics. they're right when they say there are over 1000 variables. with 600 watts you should be in excellent shape. just get some good soil and start off very light on the nutrients, especially the tiger bloom if you decide to go with fox farm. think of your first grow as more of a learning experiment. then on your 2nd grow you will pretty much have a lot better understanding on what to do. also you want a fan inside for circulation. this slightly increases the CO2 your plants get and makes the stems stronger. also you will want an exhaust fan because that light will produce a lot of heat. you want your room temp kept from about 65-85. the best is to get a hood for your light with a glass cover. the reason for this is to keep most of the heat out of the tent, and provide your plants with constant fresh air. the hood has 2 ports. 1 to suck air into the hood. if your worried about smell, you hook up a carbon filter here. the other port sucks air out of the hood. you hook this up to an exhaust fan. you want to make sure you have a very strong heavy duty exhaust with a lot of CFMs. i use this one about $100. i DO NOT recommend the smaller ones like this they are most used as duct boosters but dont worry about that right now. heres a little diagram of how my setup is with my exhaust. hope this helps. anymore questions just ask an i or someone else will be happy to assist you! its quite an expensive hobby but fun as fuck. best of luck bro!exhaust setup.jpg


Well-Known Member
Set up your tent and germ your seeds in a warm and dark place. That hps will do the job but vegging is better with the right light temperature, somewhere around 6500-6700 K which is common with metal halide, but HID lights should stay about 18-24 inches away from the soil, you dont want them to burn when theyre young(keep in mind that they need to be wet almost all the time when germinating, unnecessary heat isn't good.)

After those after those seeds germ pop them into the soil and water them a little. After you see a sprout you should stick em in some light so you can get them growing, a fan will be good for some airflow and itll make their stems strong.

They wont need nutrients till about 2-3 weeks through veg, try around 5-6 inches. Id try rain water, it has minerals but it cant burn the plants. Make sure its room temperature though, it could shock them if its too cold or hot.
nice one crazy hazy
brannonC im using soil because the first muck around plant i grew used soil and im just used to it.
im going to grow 4 plants...2 tangerines 2 super silver cheeses
maybe get a clone off one and do 5?
nutes? no idea what that is
perlite isnt that white bits in the soil to help the soil hold moisture or something


pot em up put em under an enviro light for 4 t 5 weeks veg then switch to 12 12 with ya 600 light use canna terra soil n nutes n pk13/14 em 3 weeks before harvest


Active Member
When you do buy your meters (PH/EC) make sure you buy them separately. Calibrating a dual monitor and also maintaining it is a PAIN! i find it best to work with two separate ones.