So I bought a vapor genie....


Well-Known Member
And I'm pretty happy with it!! It's a vape pipe that only uses a lighter to heat the ceramic filter which in turn vaporizes the weed. It took a few bowls to get a hang of hitting it right (at first I was either burning the weed or not getting anything). But once you get it, WOW :lol:. Every single hit feels like 2 hits packed into one since your getting straight thc with out wasting it. It actually saves me weed because I get so much higher off each bowl (one bowl loads it 3 or 4 times with about 3 hits each (which is enuf fuck your couch). And I'm suprised at how well it actually vapes the weed once you get it right. Each bowl comes out a light brown color meaning you didn't inhale any burnt plant material.

It's definitely A LOT easier on the lungs than even my triple perc. Each hit is more intense though due to the fact of more thc being packed into each hit (You don't feel like your getting a hit until you blow out a suprisingly large cloud of vapor and nearly black out, :bigjoint: :sleep:)

Also once you figure out how to hit it, it only takes a few seconds to heat up and get a hit, which is far better than waiting for a damn vape to heat up then slowly blow up a bag. Plus it was much cheaper, 55 bucks.

All in all it was a great investment. The only problem I have with it, is it just doen't taste as good as a bong or pipe. And if you get the temp even a little too hot, it tastes kinda like burnt weed popcorn :-(.


I've smoked out of one of these before and really enjoyed it myself. That was a good night. :-P I think I ate an entire bucket of fries with cheese sauce in the back of my friends SUV, grooving to music. :weed:

And it does smell like burnt popcorn, which makes it pretty to explain at home. "I, uh... just made some popcorn... Want some?" :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
i used to have one before i upgraded to the volcano, and then the aromed 4.0.

it def gets you high as fuck, lol and i love that pass out feeling after a big rip, but i always wonder if have the shit ur hitting is half butane. thats why i went electric.

Its good for when you gotta be super incognito, as you can just slip it in a pocket when somebody walks in the room cuz the bowl cant fall out :)

glad you like it man


Well-Known Member
Ya I definitely love the whole stealth factor of it because I could take a mega hit and blow it out right before my mom or dad walk in and they thought I was eating some popcorn hahahaha, good times


Well-Known Member
Ya I definitely love the whole stealth factor of it because I could take a mega hit and blow it out right before my mom or dad walk in and they thought I was eating some popcorn hahahaha, good times
The sound of the lighter will give you away man, be careful :lol::lol:


Well-Known Member
Theyve been around for years. You can order them online, and alot of headshops in the bay area carry em.

The diagram above is actually of the old model. Make sure you get the new one, it has a black plastic mouthpiece on the end of the wood, which is more hygenic, and helps it so you dont burn ur lips quite so badly
