So I Burried two seeds in the gravel of a fish tank (With Water)

*. GaMbO .*

Active Member
Yea so i did this fuckin around. I have a 50 gallon tank for my turtles . . i threw two seeds under gravel at the bottom just as an experiment. My pops cleaned the tank yesterday. Last night i saw two little sproutlings flloating. The one was dead the other was alive. I repplanted the alive one in the gravel . . remember this is completely sumbmerged in water. Now the plant has four tiny leaves growing. There is also a flourecent light at the top for the turtles ., . makin the plant grow.. Is this Hydro ? Do you think it will grow ?


Well-Known Member
take? typical hydro..the roots don't really take? not sure what u mean. as long as they are guarded from light...and provided sufficient will grow....(I think)....but not really sure?