So I got a call from the DEA...


Active Member
Thats pretty crazy getting a call from the DEA especially in central Cali. I dont kno just play yoru cards right and let us kno what happens.


Well-Known Member
Read up your rights with regards to MJ and your county!
IF your over the limit hide or chop down to the appropriate numbers!
Be respectful and dont trust the drug enforcers, meaning tell them as little as possible without hindering them!


.....Damn bro.
im sorry this is happening to you.
Fuck the DEA. Fuck the Police.. Fuck the Government.
i really hope everything works out for you man.



Well-Known Member
Something doesn't sound right. I just can't see the DEA calling before they come over. Are you sure it wasn't just one of your friends playing a joke on you?


Well-Known Member
Something doesn't sound right. I just can't see the DEA calling before they come over. Are you sure it wasn't just one of your friends playing a joke on you?
........just what I am thinking; well, and for this guys sake, hoping too!:-|

Let us know


Well-Known Member
Tell him to speak to your lawyer. That's what I would do. In no way or fashion do you personally have to speak to him. Have your lawyer act as your agent and have him do all the talking. That to me is the best way of dealing with said situation. Saying one wrong thing could be taken as an admission of guilt for a crime. In the end it's best to have some one represent your best interests (a lawyer) in these situations. I can't see it costing you more than a few hundo to have a lawyer speak to this guy. It's better to pay up then slip up IMO.


Well-Known Member
Something doesn't sound right. I just can't see the DEA calling before they come over. Are you sure it wasn't just one of your friends playing a joke on you?
agreed... ive never dealt with the dea (and i hope to god i never do) but from what i know of there tactics i dont see them giving you a courtesy call over the nature of your med plants... they have bigger fish to fry than your avg patient.


Well-Known Member
This does sound weird. CA's MMJ laws are meaningless and irrelevant as far as the DEA is concerned. If this guy is a DEA agent, his job is to enforce the federal drug laws - period. Why would a federal agent want to verify that you are complying with the State's laws, when those laws are in direct conflict with federal law? Despite Obama's attorney general suggesting that they won't be bothering valid MMJ patients in the various States, the laws remain the same, and their job is to enforce them.

It also seems like any DEA officer investigating a possible crime would want the assistance of the local police. Something's not right. I would not voluntarily talk to, or meet with this alleged DEA agent.


Well-Known Member
This whole story just doesn't sound like something the DEA would do. Not saying the OP is making it up, but it just sounds like a mean joke someone is playing.

This is how I see it happening. No DEA agent showed up. He sat there waiting half a day for someone to show. While his friend(s) watched from a distance laughing at him. LMAO.


Active Member
Or they took it and he has no computer now.

Or /....... a call from a pot thief and they came to take a look and stole the guy's plants and beat the ...... outa' him

Pot thieves have been posing as Law enforcement ..... I heard of one "farm" that got raided by helicopter's ... it was NOT Law enforcement ..... if the money is big enough ......... Organized Crime is interested ...... be careful guys !

Blankin' THIEVES *****************!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Sorry for the update delay.. Been busy....o yeah im lazy too.. anyway, i got the initial call in the afternoon. He asked me to meet him at my house as he said he was at my property. I told him I was out of town and could'nt be there till 8 or 9 pm...
He reluctantly said he would meet me in the morning. Three plain clothes guys showed up with badges around their necks. They didn't look like stereotypical Federal agents,exposed tats etc.. They asked if I had any indoor plants in addition to the outdoor. I told them NO. They asked if they could come inside and I said NO.
He informed me they had cause to get a search warrant so I asked all three of them for a business card and personal identification then proceeded with a couple phone calls to confirm their credentials.
I had time the night before to get my numbers straight (up until 4:30am) so I signed the concent form and invited them in and informed them that I did infact grow for other people. Long story short... They looked around for 5 minutes and asked me to conceal my outdoor plants a little better. I treated them with the same respect that I was provided.
My numbers were in order and that was the key. They don't care about a small timer like me, their after the big fish with hundreds or thousands of plants. Moral of the story here kids is they are people like you and me. Don't act like an asshole and chances are you'll get the same respect in return.
I know many of you are wondering what an encounter like this would be like so fire away the questions and i'll answer them best I can.


Well-Known Member
Sorry for the update delay.. Been busy....o yeah im lazy too.. anyway, i got the initial call in the afternoon. He asked me to meet him at my house as he said he was at my property. I told him I was out of town and could'nt be there till 8 or 9 pm...
He reluctantly said he would meet me in the morning. Three plain clothes guys showed up with badges around their necks. They didn't look like stereotypical Federal agents,exposed tats etc.. They asked if I had any indoor plants in addition to the outdoor. I told them NO. They asked if they could come inside and I said NO.
He informed me they had cause to get a search warrant so I asked all three of them for a business card and personal identification then proceeded with a couple phone calls to confirm their credentials.
I had time the night before to get my numbers straight (up until 4:30am) so I signed the concent form and invited them in and informed them that I did infact grow for other people. Long story short... They looked around for 5 minutes and asked me to conceal my outdoor plants a little better. I treated them with the same respect that I was provided.
My numbers were in order and that was the key. They don't care about a small timer like me, their after the big fish with hundreds or thousands of plants. Moral of the story here kids is they are people like you and me. Don't act like an asshole and chances are you'll get the same respect in return.
I know many of you are wondering what an encounter like this would be like so fire away the questions and i'll answer them best I can.

Forgot to mention. When I got home the night they first contacted me (about 10:30pm) there was a note on my door to call a detective from the city police. I called his phone right away. He said he put that note on my door before he knew the Feds were involved. He said he was done with it and had already stepped aside for the Feds.


Well-Known Member
Cool, I knew you'd be fine and that they just wanted you to hide those outdoor plants better. Good thing you had a chance to get the numbers right before hand.

I don't understand why they think they could have gotten a warrant to go inside though. Just because you had outdoor plants visible but I guess being federal they can do whatever the hell they want.