So I got a clock radio... for my plants.


Active Member
So, I recently have obtained a clock radio. I always wanted to try and see how well music did, or did not work for helping plants grow.

The thing is, I don't even have a scale. I also do not have a very stable setup to show scientifically or even accurately how things are going along. I am only on my 2nd harvest and am still working out the chain of things. The plants are all pretty different in size, so yield and such would be hard to judge.

I would be willing to start doing regular updates and I have pics from earlier stages in these plants lifes, going back a few months. I could post those then start doing more regular updates.

The only problem is it is a lot of work to do if nobody would care, especially due to my lack of ability to provide hard evidence, and just about everything would be speculation from pics and just my word.

So, if enough people want me to do a regular post then I will start it up (like 7 people would probably be enough, and trolls don't count against the count, but also do not count towards it).


Well-Known Member
You will find opinions here that go both ways. Some swear music helps and others swear it can't possibly help. I don't know about the biological science of sounds near plants, but I think it makes the garden a more pleasant place to be and therefore more likely that you will spend time there to take greater care.

Mythbusters also did an experiment that showed better growth in all rooms with sound compared to no sound.