So I Got in a Bar Fight...

It's hard as hell to knock someone out by punching them in the cheek. .
Not that hard you just have to be a man!! It's has way more to do with the twisting of the neck then where you actually hit him.....people go to sleep when the neck twists like your turning your head to look over your shoulder and reaches a certain point..The point of no return.. I knocked people out when I was a kid 16 17.... imagine now!!!!! OMG death punches!!
Well Apparently I won this fight, because cops came to my house and said someone claimed assault on my ass. Fuck... and yes I know the guy from High School. lets hope the bar video shows him walk over 20 feet to talk to me.
Lets put it plain and simple.... I lost(maybe?)

It's the 4th of July and i go out to the bar with my sister. For some reason we catch beef and later go outside. Outside i see the guy and he makes a B-line for me, I say don't cross this line ( some imaginary line) my personal space.

He crosses the line and while i have my hands out to the side and chest presented face first. I believe he sucker punched me, but then again i cant shake the feeling that i may have swigged first.

I blacked out in rage waking up to the bouncer pulling me away. I know i got two or three solid hits, but im left pondering a minor fat lip. Minor fat lip meaning it was bleeding for 2-3 minutes afterward but is now unnoticeable.

The guy looked otherwise untouched,so im left with thinking i lost.

Since i was aiming for his temples and forehead i bet he will have a knot or two, but no blood was drawn.

IDK, im just upset because if i swung first that means i lost, other-wise he revived a bunch of punches from someone that he planned to KO.
You REALLY want to win a fight???

If that ever happens again...please try it my way:

1. Asshole douche-b comes in for an altercation.

2. Lean in, like you're trash talking, and whisper in his ear:

"I thought I'd never get a chance to be this close to you....I'm really into fucking and punching."

3. Be grabbing his dick, while you are preforming #2.

No matter what happens - YOU WON THAT FIGHT!!!!!
Why'd you have to take a good old boy masculine thing like a fist fight and turn it ghey?
Don't act like you're not impressed....I turn EVERYTHING gay! I'm a happy gal!

Um....have you SEEN fights? Like the UFC? It's the GAYEST SHIT ON TELEVISION!!!

2 super buff dudes, in HOT PANTS, grinding cocks and ballz together...
