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As soon as April rolls around a my two friends and I are going to start a particularly large grow operation to sell during the fall and have enough left over to sell throughout winter. I live in a very very small town and it isn't hard to find buyers since I know pretty much everyone who smokes in my town. We have collected about 250 seeds and plan on having about 1,000 by April. All of us have successfully grown our own plants, so I have no fear of messing anything up. We're going to plant the seeds at interval times and in different locations so we can keep track of how many plants we have. The strain we are growing is either a pure indica or an indica-sativa mix, but I cannot tell for certain. Anyway, the question I want to ask is for any tips anyone might have if you have guerilla farmed before, or grown outdoors before. What supplies to I need that differ from those indoors? Will the bud be better if grown outdoors? Should i get rid of all my indica and get sativa seeds instead? Should I plant far fewer at a time? And lastly, if I am to grow 1,000 healthy full grown plants, about how much money would that bring in considering I were to sell all of it?