So I met a fellow grower at work today


Well-Known Member
I'm an idiot, it was a dump post, wasn't thinkin, but I don't have anything at my house nor will I where I'm currently living


Well-Known Member
scary...not only were these guys dumb enough to tell the walmart guy what they are up to, but the walmart guy goes and spills his own guts to the dumb stonies.


Well-Known Member
scary...not only were these guys dumb enough to tell the walmart guy what they are up to, but the walmart guy goes and spills his own guts to the dumb stonies.
I was thinking the same thing dude, seems kinda silly to breach security that easily and quickly
FebreezeIt did you hang with a lot of older gentlemen with vans that have no windows and claiming they will give you candy?
You seem to be pretty easy to give out trust



Well-Known Member
While telling others you grow isn't too great of an idea, they are probably just happy for the help.


Well-Known Member
While telling others you grow isn't too great of an idea, they are probably just happy for the help.
im sure they were extrememly grateful. so will the cops that bust them for continuing to be dumb when they gladly tell the cops about the wally-world guy they know grows.

your not sopposed to tell your friends...what the hell makes you think telling total strangers your business is kosher?!?


Well-Known Member
I have met so many people I just know are trying to grow. I work at a hardware store. I've seen people buy sub pumps, pvc with sprayers, nutrients, and while I am talking to them trying to help them figure out what they need, they are always extremely vague and don't seem to know what they need themselves.


Well-Known Member
I have met so many people I just know are trying to grow. I work at a hardware store. I've seen people buy sub pumps, pvc with sprayers, nutrients, and while I am talking to them trying to help them figure out what they need, they are always extremely vague and don't seem to know what they need themselves.
WOW! the only place i ever buy enough stuff for someone to figure out im growing is the grow shop. apparently theres pleanty of reckless people out there that are gonna make me sleep better knowing they are birdogging the cops for me.:blsmoke: