so i think im having a bad day


New Member
well i think i have let lifes stresses get to me today i snapped at my business partner as we were redoing the air ducts for our 1000wers so we could add another, he told me i was taking it apart wrong ( which i still dont under stand ) but idk if thats the real reason y i got all moody and told him to do it himself when he told me a second time i shouldnt take the air duct off of a 6" hood but still it needed to come down cuz we have barely enough room to move with two people in our shed.. but im also having a baby girl in 3 weeks or less and i think its starting to settle in and im nervous, fustrated and annoyed.. i just needed to vent and really look at the situation before i talk to him again because there usually isnt any tension between us.. well i hope everyone elses day is less stressful then mine today :eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
I'm sure there will be some understanding between the two of you if you sat down and discussed what was at hand. It doesn't even have to be about the grow, just sit down and vent to somebody about life, good, mediocre or bad, it's always a good feeling when somebody else knows where you've been about in mind and body.

I can definitely see how you'd be stressed out with a kid coming in your way, like I said just keep it cool man, you should be happy. Not only you, but your child as well - soon to come - could be worse off, much much worse. Just be enthralled about your child simply being born and fortunate enough to be where she is with those she is with.

The only meaning, the only purpose and the only importance be it good or bad thoughts or emotions carry, are the ones you place upon them contextually; the set of circumstances or facts that surround particular events or situations in your life. Understand that, and you'll always be happy about the good things. And the bad things? well they don't really matter, because they don't really mean anything.

Goodluck on the op and for your baby I hope shes a beautiful and healthy girl.


New Member
thanks and it helps just to write it down and express myself im not much of a talker :) but thinker i am my mind constantly goes and it helps to write it down and focus on whats the real problem and my partner have talk since i post this and everything is fine he thought i was crazy going around not realizing im really having a baby! it just all of a sudden hit me and i feel like im not prepare even tho i have everything ready for her... i just know ill love my baby girl no matter what :) thanks for taking the and commenting


Well-Known Member
No problem man, It's going to be a bit rough I'll tell you that. I experienced young in highschool a close friend of mine having a kid, so I know the whole thing from start to, well present (it doesn't really ever end lol) Just take it as the experience it is, and spoil the crap out of her.

RIU is pretty good for letting out whats on your mind and getting positive feedback, if you're ever in that particular neighborhood again, needing to vent, just toss a line and we'll bite.


Active Member
Aww congrats on being a daddy! Having a child changes everything about your life but its still all good! Keep your head up everything will workout bongsmilie