So..I was in court today

No one needs meds in west michigan....flooded over here. No dispensaries..most conservative and restrictive local ordinances you can imagine..cannabis everywhere.

The point about the guy with the dui and weed..isn't that he's a hard core criminal. It's that he had no card, no Dr recommendation, and had the weed in quarters.

Nothing medical about it. Yet everyone in a medical forum...couldn't get the point. Tells me that the medical forum has nothing to do with medical for a lot of people. Timmahh has the guy so clean he's squeaky. kinda proves that anything Timmah says is legalize..nothing to do with medical as he so claims.

Heck, Timmah and Ozz are so bad they have never answered a direct question in their lives. They both probably have Timmothy McViegh t-shirts..he was a martyr for their cause.

no bob, that guy is working firmly in no man's land where the cannabis is concerned. You should remember no man's land, you admitted to being a criminal before the 08 Act.
OH Thats right, it was medical for you, so your just a good old boy, my bad, but everyone else is a criminal.

but regardless of the cannabis, had he not been pulled over for Suspected DUI, the cannabis would of never been an issue, you think Bob? or would that cop maybe be able to smell it with his supercop powers, that also let him smell not only did he not have a dr rec, but perhaps he wasnt even on the registry.

I wonder though, if perhaps that criminal as you call him, maybe has a medical problem, perhaps depression if he drinks to inebriation often...
hell he may even have ms. but it doesnt matter, bob says hes a criminal so we should just lock him up for bobs safety.

To bad that LEIN system wasnt in place already, they cops could of busted him months ago, its obvious he is a criminal scamming patients , while not being a pt himself. Dirty fucking hippie. What, with that huge stash of 4 oz., well hells bells, he probably made enough money to buy a Cadillac with the Profits. WHAT A PIECE OF SHIT HE IS.

YOU CONVERTED ME BOB, Gosh< how could I have been so blind as to not see you were SO Right before now.
I hope that dirty fucking hippie criminal does life, so that god fearing rapist can be let out early so he can get back to doing the good work of man. Thanx for helping me see the way forward bob harris, you are a man among men sir
I cannot grasp the no medical part. He had a qp quartered and a few beers. Was this today? Like he got paid on Thursday, picked up weed and it was bagged up, he bought it anyway. Have you purchased much weed? Probably not from several sources. Many people that do not grow have multiple sources of meds. He shows up, has cash, buys everything. When you go buy out a dope house, you usually don't hang out and rebag everything. You sat in court and got a taste of how fucked up people are. Is depression an illness in your opinion? YOu are going round and round with everyone because you just don't realize how fucked up everyone is. You talk about what is legally right and wrong. Bob, we don't give a fuck. Most of us live by what IS right and wrong. I have always smoked weed, cuz I have always not given a fuck what police think. They said don't smoke that shit and I said fuck you. I went to jail, got out and smoked more. Some of the words that are right, people still don't give a shit. Go out on 96 and stop every single speeder. Yes bob that would be every single vehicle on the road and letcure them all about speeding. Show them the signs. Tell them how we will lose not only are cars, but our roads too, if we don't all start to drive 48 in a 65. That is what you are doing, and as everyone is driving by they are blaring their horns, flipping you off and screaming asshole. You don't get it. All those years of being a closet smoker has you ashamed of being lumped up with the rest of us. Try medicating with more people, then maybe you won't look down on the majority of smokers. The most shit you get from non-timmahh's is that bullshit about who should be allowed to medicate and who should suffer. And don't hide behind no chicken shit law either. You have said it over and over. Take marijuana out of many michigan households and watch how fucking full that court room gets then.
Sitting in a courtroom and seeing people locked up and watching their loved ones having to go through that shit. Then to watch the judges and lawyers just pump through file after file after file and just breeze through them like they are folders, it effects me different than you obviously. I have met many many terrific people in jail and prison that simply made a mistake and should be on the street. I have also met many killers on the street, that should be in prison. That is the big picture. Read the free press tomorrow. Did you look to see if your serial rapist even made the newspaper? It isn't even a big deal, you said fucker wanted bond to try to get a few more in. Weed cannot be distracting these police officers, judges, and prosecuting attorneys. They do not, or at least should not, be fucking with minor things like this.

Cannabis isn't cars and roads and speeders. Just as it is medicine for is also a way to hide from life for others. I've seen many a kid become a stoner..high every day, no motivation....cannabis isn't harmless to everyone.

Like any substance that alters your mood, or feelings, it is a drug. Alcohol is no different. Some people can handle it, and use it wisely. Some become alcoholics and ruin their lives.

The only difference between a drug and medicine is how, and why, it is used. Timmahh says the guy should go to jail for DUI..but thinks people should be allowed to drive regardless of the effects cannabis might have on them.

It's a pure double standard.

I believe in following the law best I can. I also believe that if a law is fight to change it. There has been a fight for years over cannabis. medical laws have been a great stepping stone to acceptance. The fool hardy party it;s now totally legal reaction by 1000's of "medical" users has diminished the fight for legalization as well.

I've said over and over that I don't oppose cannabis use being decriminalized. But the way to do it isn't to take the first victory (medical) and flaunt it.

The guy that I saw in court today, could have gotten a card..he didn't even bother. Anyone can get a card..There are so many hotel Dr's willing to sign it's crazy.

But really it's the blatant disrespect for the cannabis law benefactors that pisses me off. Hey, get your card for whatever reason you can......just don't disrespect the State that let you have it.

Want it totally legal? great, get out and get signatures..get it on the ballot. Not easy, no one will sign.

If I am so in the minority, why won't legalization initiatives be signed?

I'm in the minority on a forum for sure..but not in the real world.
Keep digging that hole bob. Wont be long you ll be able to lay down and we can finally bury your rhetoric.
you kids fight over the same shit for over a year now, it's actually funny sometimes to be honest.

i don't understand why you guys fight like wtf, what would u guys be fighting about in 2007, before it was legal? like straight up, just because you own a card means that people that don't can't smoke weed? fucks a card for anyways? i mean cmon now. Weed is weed, you were smoking it before it was legal so what's the difference now?
no bob, that guy is working firmly in no man's land where the cannabis is concerned. You should remember no man's land, you admitted to being a criminal before the 08 Act.
OH Thats right, it was medical for you, so your just a good old boy, my bad, but everyone else is a criminal.

but regardless of the cannabis, had he not been pulled over for Suspected DUI, the cannabis would of never been an issue, you think Bob? or would that cop maybe be able to smell it with his supercop powers, that also let him smell not only did he not have a dr rec, but perhaps he wasn't even on the registry.

I wonder though, if perhaps that criminal as you call him, maybe has a medical problem, perhaps depression if he drinks to inebriation often...
hell he may even have ms. but it doesnt matter, bob says hes a criminal so we should just lock him up for bobs safety.

To bad that LEIN system wasnt in place already, they cops could of busted him months ago, its obvious he is a criminal scamming patients , while not being a pt himself. Dirty fucking hippie. What, with that huge stash of 4 oz., well hells bells, he probably made enough money to buy a Cadillac with the Profits. WHAT A PIECE OF SHIT HE IS.

YOU CONVERTED ME BOB, Gosh< how could I have been so blind as to not see you were SO Right before now.
I hope that dirty fucking hippie criminal does life, so that god fearing rapist can be let out early so he can get back to doing the good work of man. Thanx for helping me see the way forward bob harris, you are a man among men sir

Timmah, it's not about being a criminal. Be a criminal if you like...but admit you are one. Don't hide behind a medical law. At least the guy in court took responsibility, and didn't cry "medical" even when asked by the judge.

Love they way you twist the rapist story I told. I want him to do life too. There was nothing that indicated that I had any pity for him. The humor was in that he had the balls to ask for a PR that was gonna happen. But of course, you have to make it look like I thought he is ok, while the cannabis gut should go to jail.

But no, just like your interpretation of the med act, You either can't understand simple written words, or you need to twist them over and over, hoping people will believe you.

I grew before the law went through. I fully accepted that I could go to jail if caught. You encourage hiding behind a med law, rather than standing on your own and just growing without one. If it's so clear cut "right' why do you need the med law?
The answer is you are a chicken shit.

Defending anyone who uses cannabis as justified..card no card, Dr Recommendation or not.."because it SHOULD be totally legal, while posing as an advocate of a medical law is hypocrisy.

Fight the fight you want in the proper arena, don't make all medical users look bad.

You are a small, small man. Blowing Joe Cain..then throwing him to the dogs when his true nature came to light. You will say anything to gain a friend. Me, I don't need more friends, got plenty. Don't need success..had that.

I am far more true to my beliefs than anyone who would hide behind a medical law, then preach ITS LEGAL!
You say you grew before it was legal. You get hookers. Have you ever paid hookers in weed? Have you ever smoked you weed with hookers beofre it was legal? That must have made you very popular about 5 years ago.
Now everyone is hiding behind your law and everyone is growing it and everyone is flaunting it. If they could just keep it quiet. I mean I bought a red car and I wish everyone would just paint theirs blue cuz then I would look cooler driving mine.
I'm done. You hit me with some real zingers the last few days. If court didn't open your eyes you are fucking sleeping.
You say you grew before it was legal. You get hookers. Have you ever paid hookers in weed? Have you ever smoked you weed with hookers beofre it was legal? That must have made you very popular about 5 years ago.
Now everyone is hiding behind your law and everyone is growing it and everyone is flaunting it. If they could just keep it quiet. I mean I bought a red car and I wish everyone would just paint theirs blue cuz then I would look cooler driving mine.
I'm done. You hit me with some real zingers the last few days. If court didn't open your eyes you are fucking sleeping.

See thats the problem. It isn't anything like a car color.

Before med laws lots of people grew, smoked and sold cannabis. They didn't flaunt, the kept quiet the went about their business under the radar as best as possible.

Then med laws came about. Had the people with no real need for medical cannabis, just got their card for whatever protection it offered them..and continued under the radar..there would be far fewer problems.

Instead, they got their card and shouted with glee PIG CAN"T TOUCH ME NOW!!!! That pissed off the cops, the AG, and the rest of State government...along with a whole lot of people who voted for medical..for well, medical relief. Legalize cannabis voters did not carry this vote...sorry, didn't happen that way. They supported it, even helped. But of the 3.5 million voters that said YES to the medical law, most were conservative, older, and voting to help truly sick people.

To think the law was passed to circumvent simply wrong and self serving.

The whole PIG CAN'T TOUCH ME NOW..attitude is hurting the gains towards decriminalization...and the people doing it don't get it.

Can't state it any simpler than that.

If you think I'm are lost in a small community of thinkers.

What's to gain from flaunting? What's to gain from taking more than was earned?
It makes future positive cannabis legislation far less likely.

The people crying the loudest about how unfair the amendments to this law are (or will be), are the same people that caused it to happen.

Blame it on leo, blame it on Prosecutors..blame it on's a great way to not accept responsibility for your own actions.
The point was that there was only 1 weed case in the 30 or so I saw. He had no med card, no Dr recommendation...he got pulled over for Dui....I wouldn't call him being picked on..I'd call him..less than smart.
I was expecting a far greater number of weed charges, given Timmahh and Ozz's testimony about the cops spending all thier time busting innocents.

That's the point I was making....

I was once in court and it was cancer patient after cancer patient with authorizations being sentenced to life. Everyone has a story, its especially convenient when it reinforces their point. Which I think in your case is that its ok to imprison people for growing or possessing a plant.
I was once in court and it was cancer patient after cancer patient with authorizations being sentenced to life. Everyone has a story, its especially convenient when it reinforces their point. Which I think in your case is that its ok to imprison people for growing or possessing a plant.

You are a totally lying shit head to think anyone would believe that cancer patent after cancer patient with authorizations were given life sentences. A plant? no..Cannabis with no reason other than "it should be legal"? yes.

Again,with total disregard for society...some one who thinks everyone should be allowed to restrictions..go at it.
You are a totally lying shit head to think anyone would believe that cancer patent after cancer patient with authorizations were given life sentences. A plant? no..Cannabis with no reason other than "it should be legal"? yes.

Again,with total disregard for society...some one who thinks everyone should be allowed to restrictions..go at it.

Is a cannabis plant "bad for society"?
Bob. I missed it. I think this is the single most - bust a whole in your theory - thread there could be.
Personally for many 1.3 isn't drunk. I could be wrong but I believe many states WERE 1.2 as the limit. It is even possible that the judge you watched was 1.4.
Anyway a dude drinking with a few o's in the trunk IS NOT A CRIMINAL. It is called a dude getting a dui. Someone in trouble is not a criminal. 4 ounces of weed is a dude with weed. If he had sixteen quarters done up then he has friends. I have lived a different life than you and I beg you to listen to me on one thing. When you come into contact with a motherfucking criminal that needs to be off the streets you will become scared. There are guys that will rape, not three woman, but you and that judge. There are killers on these streets and for you to talk crazy about ANY caregiver needing to be behind bars you are crazy. There are killers behind those bars bob. You worry about Bubby Ganja? Most cops say you are crazy as hell. They target some weed patients cuz they are scared of the criminals.
Go through the prisons. You have guys that fucked up and guys that will fuck you up. You will keep holding a grudge against the first one, up until your ass comes into contact with the second one. Just ponder that rapist for a little while before you think even a straight up cash cropper should be locked up like a fucking animal. Marijuana shouldn't even be an issue. Someone should have gotten some of my Bubba OG to that rapist, cuz he woulda jerked off or fucked an uglier bitch or something. Lots of people that you think don't need weed, need weed. Up your production Bob, we need it.

I liked this poast: guess that makes me a Dick.
Glad I don't live in Ohio.
I read the first part. Then I read who the OP was. Then I realized this prick is trolling again........fucking Bob for real? this post was nothing but a fight starter. WTF was your point for this post other then to jab at Ozz for no good reason and try to fill your day with interweb arguing.....err discussion. you're a dick, and now your thread has worked I'm name calling.
A cannabis plant? not at all. Uncontrolled growing by every yahoo in the country? Yes.

and why is this a problem? other then it being deemed illegal by the gov?.... Are girls going to be fucking black jazz musicians in the street?? or are Fits of rage going to infect the populaces because every Yahoo is growing the demon weed? fact is the "Plant" called Cannabis is just that a plant. You can't die from consuming cannabis... well, unless you choke yourself by shoving a nugget down your windpipe.... It's safe. hell safer then water if your going by toxicity. Yes, start smoking weed and drinking water.... the water will kill you first.

non of these threads help anything other then aid the separating of a group that once stood for the same ideas.

you kids fight over the same shit for over a year now, it's actually funny sometimes to be honest.

i don't understand why you guys fight like wtf, what would u guys be fighting about in 2007, before it was legal? like straight up, just because you own a card means that people that don't can't smoke weed? fucks a card for anyways? i mean cmon now. Weed is weed, you were smoking it before it was legal so what's the difference now?

you ll have to get that answer from bob in33d, its only weed from fucks sake, but bob want to make it a monumental way to kill off the sick and poor. well cuz bobs entitled and the rest of us are just a dirty druggies.

Oh, Sorry, the REST OF YOU. in bobs expert Medical opinion, it "SOUNDS LIKE I HAVE A LEGITIMATE NEED FOR CANNABIS USE" so it sure sucks to be you guys.

Maybe bob can give you an elite diagnosis and save you too? hes got connections you know.

Bob ..not going to pile on but you are just a strange dude, you are no better than the jerkoff who thinks marijuana is no different heroin or meth..who are you to tell anyone they can't smoke but you can? come off as extremely selfish.