Well-Known Member
No one needs meds in west michigan....flooded over here. No dispensaries..most conservative and restrictive local ordinances you can imagine..cannabis everywhere.
The point about the guy with the dui and weed..isn't that he's a hard core criminal. It's that he had no card, no Dr recommendation, and had the weed in quarters.
Nothing medical about it. Yet everyone in a medical forum...couldn't get the point. Tells me that the medical forum has nothing to do with medical for a lot of people. Timmahh has the guy so clean he's squeaky. kinda proves that anything Timmah says is legalize..nothing to do with medical as he so claims.
Heck, Timmah and Ozz are so bad they have never answered a direct question in their lives. They both probably have Timmothy McViegh t-shirts..he was a martyr for their cause.
no bob, that guy is working firmly in no man's land where the cannabis is concerned. You should remember no man's land, you admitted to being a criminal before the 08 Act.
OH Thats right, it was medical for you, so your just a good old boy, my bad, but everyone else is a criminal.
but regardless of the cannabis, had he not been pulled over for Suspected DUI, the cannabis would of never been an issue, you think Bob? or would that cop maybe be able to smell it with his supercop powers, that also let him smell not only did he not have a dr rec, but perhaps he wasnt even on the registry.
I wonder though, if perhaps that criminal as you call him, maybe has a medical problem, perhaps depression if he drinks to inebriation often...
hell he may even have ms. but it doesnt matter, bob says hes a criminal so we should just lock him up for bobs safety.
To bad that LEIN system wasnt in place already, they cops could of busted him months ago, its obvious he is a criminal scamming patients , while not being a pt himself. Dirty fucking hippie. What, with that huge stash of 4 oz., well hells bells, he probably made enough money to buy a Cadillac with the Profits. WHAT A PIECE OF SHIT HE IS.
YOU CONVERTED ME BOB, Gosh< how could I have been so blind as to not see you were SO Right before now.
I hope that dirty fucking hippie criminal does life, so that god fearing rapist can be let out early so he can get back to doing the good work of man. Thanx for helping me see the way forward bob harris, you are a man among men sir