so i was thinking of getting a place and was ? how much i could grow if i used 6000W


Well-Known Member
in an extra bedroom. How much electricity can you use in a 3 bdr without feds noticing? Also how much jailtime if you get caught with twice legal limit of plants? and four times? In a lenient city like San Francisco.


Active Member
My bill with a 600 watt light, 200 watt light , 8000 btu portable AC, and all the other stuff was an extra 200 bucks a month


Well-Known Member
in an extra bedroom. How much electricity can you use in a 3 bdr without feds noticing? Also how much jailtime if you get caught with twice legal limit of plants? and four times? In a lenient city like San Francisco.
This is a very vague 2 part question. There is no magic number that you stay below and the feds don't come knocking. 6k watts is not an obscene amount of power if you setup your room efficiently. As far as growing more than your legal limits all I can say is don't be stupid. California has pretty awesome medical marijuana laws by abusing them you ruin it for the rest of us and subject yourself to Jailtime, fines, probation, thousands of $ in lawyer fees etc. It my city I am allowed 5 lbs. of herb and 99 plants. Do you really need to harvest more than that? If you are planning on moving out here, renting a house and trying to grow 1000 plants please just stay where you are at, don't ruin it for everyone man.


were im from a 600 hps on 18/6 costs me about an extra 30 quid a month. thats not including fans and everything else though!


Active Member
its illegal altogether where im from but if it were legal but still limited fuck id obey those limits. as its illegal full stop here i tell myself im doing it for greater good, no one can illegalise a natural medicine thats been medically used for over 2000 years. bro if u want bare weed so much look up perpetual sog or even try scrog. peace


Active Member
and too ur question id make a guess at 3k waatts running for 18 hours a day is ur limit unless ur allowed to grow


Well-Known Member
This is a very vague 2 part question. There is no magic number that you stay below and the feds don't come knocking. 6k watts is not an obscene amount of power if you setup your room efficiently. As far as growing more than your legal limits all I can say is don't be stupid. California has pretty awesome medical marijuana laws by abusing them you ruin it for the rest of us and subject yourself to Jailtime, fines, probation, thousands of $ in lawyer fees etc. It my city I am allowed 5 lbs. of herb and 99 plants. Do you really need to harvest more than that? If you are planning on moving out here, renting a house and trying to grow 1000 plants please just stay where you are at, don't ruin it for everyone man.
for real if its your time I would not move to calli you won't make shit unless your buds are really good. move out east new england is flooded with shity indow for high prices and maine and mass have some good ass laws you can do your 6,000 watt grow and only be looking at a few years but I would rent a house for somthing that size and save money for a good lawyer and I'm sure you can rent a house out here for less then a three bedroom in calli. and new englands almost completley medical except mass and new hampshire but mass should pass this year.