sO iM DRUNK aGAIN.....


Well-Known Member
NHOI I DDINT DO THAT title on puropse and I just realize how drunk I am./..

IO ca nt beleive this shit is legal im so fucking fucked right now.

I hate being able not to fuction thats why i hate getting drunk...

thje only reqason i did is because i could get any dank anywhere because noone answers there phone wtf?

SDo im drunk again and i cant beleive this shit is legal its so fucking dangerous wtf?:spew:


Well-Known Member
No, he's not passing the love around this way. :cry:
Hope you have lots of fun tonight!!
My 100th post! WOOHOO!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
couldn't smoke due to piss testing. I got fucking sick as shit last night and been sick all day, thats why I hate drinking lol.


Well-Known Member
Woooo Haaaa,,cheers man,,I been going since 8-30 this morning,,2 doobs,,and I'm on 8th or 9th beer,,,fukkin go hard ,,or go home:mrgreen:

Keep on Growin



Well-Known Member
Wowzas!! You're hardcore Hole....
I was in bed all day with a gnarly hangover yesterday. Ick. Still dont feel that good...


Well-Known Member
jeezuz rocketgirl,,wake up,,smell the coffee,,then smell a dooby,,then smell some barley,,or ,,jeezuz rocketgirl,,hey,,did I already say that,,errr,ya,,ok,,well I'm still here if anyone needs me:mrgreen:,,I'm on 9th beer,,and just relit an earlier doob,,ran down,,put laundry in,,and came back up,,funny thing happened on the way.....

Keep on Growin



Well-Known Member
Waddaya mean wha happened,,I got the day off,,so I'm gettin wasted doin laundryfirst wash done at 2:05:mrgreen:

Keep on Growin



Well-Known Member
Waddaya mean wha happened,,I got the day off,,so I'm gettin wasted doin laundryfirst wash done at 2:05:mrgreen:

Keep on Growin

what happened to the interesting thing on the way back up lol. well anyways i will spend most of the day counting my stash hehe.


Well-Known Member
oh,,sorry RG,,I went out my door,,and the girl acroos the hall,well her mat was out in the hallway,,so I pushed it up against her door,,and when I came back up,,it was pushed out again,,guess she wants it there,,anyway,,I went back down to put in load two,,and I pushed it back in again,,gotta go back down in 45 minutes,,we'll see what happens,,lol

Keep on Growin
