So im thinking of doing a cfl grow but...


Well-Known Member
im not sure if my idea is any good.
i was going to get about 360-420w for like 4 plants. is that enough
i was gonna get one 200w cfl(5000k)
and like 4 different light lumen ratings like 1100k 2700k, 3500k, and 6000k or something higher. ill have two sets of these one one each and the 200w in the middle. As long as the bulbs range from 20w to 46w i should be ok on lighting right? idk. i really want to get going again. I'll probably just use space bankets for the walls. and its probably gonna be aero.


Well-Known Member
That should be fine....depending on what you want. More is always better. The 200 watter is definitely a good choice though.


Well-Known Member
No get 2700k for flower and 6500k for veg. Or better yet get a 400w hps dual spectrum they are more efficent (get more lumens for your money).

Peace out.


Well-Known Member
Ye i have heard that 1 in three ratio or summert. If you have enough money to pay for 420 watts of cfl why not take spend that money on a 400 watt hps, you only need one bulb and the results when flowering are better. I use a mix of both 400watt hps and a rack of 5 18watts 2700 when flowering, you can get cfl's in to the hard to reach places.


Well-Known Member
i cant use hps or id just get a 600w hps dual spectrum. it runs too hot. i need something cooler.
also the lights are gonna run me like 130$ thats all. that said i would be doing areoponics. and i might be able to get another 200w light. they run like 80$. so 210 for lights. thats good. but id rather find 48w cfls at the store and use 8 of those. does anyone know if the 48w come in different spectrums. havnt had time to go shopping.


Well-Known Member
These bulbs are 40w not 200w and also i would just get your CFL's at wally world. Go with the red spectrum for flowering and the bluer spectrum for veg.
this is the red im pretty sure...:blsmoke:

Illegal Smile

I hear too many bad stories about problems with the huge cfls. I no longer use any larger than 42w actual. I put two of those in a large clamp reflector with a Y adapter. If you want something big overhead consider a t5 fixture. That's what I'm moving to: 8 24inch t5s overhead and a bunch of 42s on the sides. BTW, shoot for around 70% blue in veg, 70% red in flower.


Well-Known Member
im getting a 4 way extender. maybe ill just get 3 sets and that'll be perfect huh? 504w or maybe 4. but i think 3 sets of four will be enough. again 504w for like 4 plants. and i think i might one day get a 8 bulb 24in t5 fixture, theyre expensive.


Well-Known Member
so is there any other light besides hps that will make them bigger like led?
but 500w is enough for 4 plants right or more?


Active Member
take a look at my grow. right now i have 1 plant and i just switched to larger bulbs. i have 2 40w 6700k , 2 26w 6700k, and 2 40w 2700k bulbs and will be switchin the 26w's to 2 40w 2700k when i flower. its way more than enough light, at 15,500 lumens. i think you will be fine. wouldnt do the 200w bulb though. expensive to replace if anything happens. go to a HOme Depot, home hardware, and Rona and you get a 8 or 9 year warrantee on your bulbs. you can also get the 2700k 40w bulbs at walmart, just make sure ou dont get the 46w bulbs their, they are 4100k which is garbage


Well-Known Member
so 4100k is shitty? why? just wondering... and is it true that the more light the bigger the buds? cause i want fatty buds. as fat as they get in cfl... idk how big that is.... never got big shit from any indoor


Active Member
so 4100k is shitty? why? just wondering... and is it true that the more light the bigger the buds? cause i want fatty buds. as fat as they get in cfl... idk how big that is.... never got big shit from any indoor
the more lumens you have the fatter but buds, but in the right light spectrum. 4100k light spectrum is almost all yellow and green i believe, none of which your plant needs. 5000k - 6500k is much better for VEG, then 2700k is better for Flowering, but you do want a mix of the 2. like a 3-1 ration blue to red for veg, and 3-1 ratio red to blue for Flowering


Well-Known Member
ok cool i have the perfect configuration in mind. ill have four four way adapters and two will be on the top and the others will be on the a 45 degree angle.