So is it necessary to flush? Was told other day it wasn’t needed.

Oh my god they loose their minds. I brought it up once with same facts and data and I guess they lost their vision because they couldn't comprehend it. Community is dying quick over there. Probably from all the strict mods banning all the cool blades out. The knowledge here seems to be much more abundant and up to date.
I was there for a long time but came over here a couple yrs ago. Way cooler people most of the time
The quick reading I just did sounds pretty good. Makes nutrients more available to plants. So in theory, this would use up more nutes before chop?
You’re trying to flush your medium. But you’re going to add something to “bond” and strip away all the bad stuff? Sounds like voodoo magic
The quick reading I just did sounds pretty good. Makes nutrients more available to plants. So in theory, this would use up more nutes before chop?
Yep but increase terpenes profile and bud density than non flushed so up to you be stubborn are just be happy that finally actual real research is going into growing weed so we can learn.
You’re trying to flush your medium. But you’re going to add something to “bond” and strip away all the bad stuff? Sounds like voodoo magic
And stripping a plant of all feeding nutrients for a week or 2 sounds like neglect and unfinished product. What's wrong with us not flushing. Only people seem angry are the ones going off 20 year old myths.
Oh my god they loose their minds. I brought it up once with same facts and data and I guess they lost their vision because they couldn't comprehend it. Community is dying quick over there. Probably from all the strict mods banning all the cool blades out. The knowledge here seems to be much more abundant and up to date.
Wow, yeah I heard there moderators are a lil screwed. But the flushing threads here can get pretty heated sometime also. I just try and give an OP true knowledge, Then boom, some dumbfuck throws religion or political shit in there response. That's when I usually stop watching most flushing threads.
Wow, yeah I heard there moderators are a lil screwed. But the flushing threads here can get pretty heated sometime also. I just try and give an OP true knowledge, Then boom, some dumbfuck throws religion or political shit in there response. That's when I usually stop watching most flushing threads.
I mean I think internet arguments are fun. End of the day everyone is going to continue or change the way they do things.
You’re trying to flush your medium. But you’re going to add something to “bond” and strip away all the bad stuff? Sounds like voodoo magic

Chelation is a type of bonding of ions and molecules to metal ions. It involves the formation or presence of two or more separate coordinate bonds between a polydentate (multiple bonded) ligand and a single central atom.[1][2] These ligands are called chelants, chelators, chelating agents, or sequestering agents. They are usually organic compounds, but this is not a necessity, as in the case of zinc and its use as a maintenance therapy to prevent the absorption of copper in people with Wilson's disease.[3]

Chelation is useful in applications such as providing nutritional supplements, in chelation therapy to remove toxic metals from the body, as contrast agents in MRI scanning, in manufacturing using homogeneous catalysts, in chemical water treatment to assist in the removal of metals, and in fertilizers.

And stripping a plant of all feeding nutrients for a week or 2 sounds like neglect and unfinished product. What's wrong with us not flushing. Only people seem angry are the ones going off 20 year old myths.
One who’s angry.
two nothing wrong with not flushing I just did it to my plant. Did you read my post at all? If you’re going to quote it at least read it.
Yep but increase terpenes profile and bud density than non flushed so up to you be stubborn are just be happy that finally actual real research is going into growing weed so we can learn.
To be clear, I am not in the flushing camp. But during the last 5 or so days before chop I cut back 50% on nutes. Seems like this would be a good product for that point
Chelation is a type of bonding of ions and molecules to metal ions. It involves the formation or presence of two or more separate coordinate bonds between a polydentate (multiple bonded) ligand and a single central atom.[1][2] These ligands are called chelants, chelators, chelating agents, or sequestering agents. They are usually organic compounds, but this is not a necessity, as in the case of zinc and its use as a maintenance therapy to prevent the absorption of copper in people with Wilson's disease.[3]

Chelation is useful in applications such as providing nutritional supplements, in chelation therapy to remove toxic metals from the body, as contrast agents in MRI scanning, in manufacturing using homogeneous catalysts, in chemical water treatment to assist in the removal of metals, and in fertilizers.

You’re really bought into this huh. Water wouldn’t accomplish the same thing? So you pump nutes in to the last minute then slam them with this and poof it all goes away? Sound exciting!
One who’s angry.
two nothing wrong with not flushing I just did it to my plant. Did you read my post at all? If you’re going to quote it at least read it.
My bad my blunder bro. At least I am always quick to apologize haha.