Now back to the original question, why are there so many unfinished/abandoned SuperCloset grow journals?
Speaking as a trinity owner, the novelty of the boards wears off. When you're new, you're into sharing your story. By the time harvest comes around, you have found your flow. In my experience, the board info/input made matters worse. So if you're having less of a need to come on the boards to research issues, you have less opportunity or reason to come and post. Or, at least, that's has been my experience.
Also, I had pics posted on nearly every one of my journal entries. Wasn't sure that my camera GPS was turned off, so I erased everything to be certain. Only left entries that had no pics. I no longer post pics, too risky, in my opinion.
While I defend my purchase, you absolutely can create your own much cheaper. Which also means you can control it's stealthiness.
Yields in hydro are usually gauged by watts to grams. 600 watts can theoretically grow 600 grams with the right settings. BUT, if it's your first venture in hydro, it is wise to plan that the first grow is 1/4 of the standard, 2nd grow is 1/2 the standard, 3rd is 3/4ths. Reason being that a noob screws up less each round. Hydro is a dance between knowledge and balance within the system. My best advice to anyone beginning hydro is Less Is More. Or KISS - keep it simple stupid.
Cant remember what my first yield was, think it was about 1/3 first time around. Pretty close to what I said above. But my grow area has different space than the grow box.
My last few journal entries have SC tips. Wrote them bcuz so many people email me with questions.