So Judge Judy makes $45 million a year.....

Daves not here man!

Active Member
Yahoo! told me that Judge Judy makes $45 million a year. I really am unclear as to what to say. This isn't with endorsements..she really has a salary of $45 million!

any thoughts?

btw...thats still about $200 million less than her majesty Oprah.:confused:


Well-Known Member
How is it BS? Get super dooper stoned Invent something sell your patent, there you go. You have now just got paid millions for being stoned. Now yes ez'er said then done but come on.

well thats only cuz popular stuff makes people rich...the guy who invented the post-it wasn't rich until he invented he's a multibillionaire....

it really is all fuckin bs....


Well-Known Member
she has to.
she speends 44,900,000on face lifts a year
i seen a docoumentry or bio on her
the pre tv show judge judy is very old looking


Well-Known Member
How is it BS? Get super dooper stoned Invent something sell your patent, there you go. You have now just got paid millions for being stoned. Now yes ez'er said then done but come on.
i ment its BS on a global scale...too easy for americans to get rich...not that im complaining.....