So little info on cycle timers, what are good reliable second/minute timers for drippers


Well-Known Member
Hey guys. Looking to change my current setup from a hand waterred coco setup to a top feed system once roots are established and drain to waste.

Being as I dont want the pump to have to run for 15 min and waste so much nutes, Im looking for a timer capable of being set in "seconds" increments. Assuming my feedings will be about 20-30 seconds. I havent found much info on options, or certain models that allow 3-5 feedings during lights on but not cycle during lights off.

Just a small 3x3 grow and 9 plants nothing crazy.

Appreciate the experienced wisdom on a good choice product for the job, and if it there is a budget friendly version on a timer that suits the bill. If I have to pay the big bucks to join this game I am willing, just looking for suggestions
oops, that timer has 5 sec. to 30 minutes on and 5 sec. to 60 minutes off. you wanted a longer off time. But i do believe that there is a cycle timer for longer periods of time. the one i listed is considered a short cycle timer.
Hey guys. Looking to change my current setup from a hand waterred coco setup to a top feed system once roots are established and drain to waste.

Being as I dont want the pump to have to run for 15 min and waste so much nutes, Im looking for a timer capable of being set in "seconds" increments. Assuming my feedings will be about 20-30 seconds. I havent found much info on options, or certain models that allow 3-5 feedings during lights on but not cycle during lights off.

Just a small 3x3 grow and 9 plants nothing crazy.

Appreciate the experienced wisdom on a good choice product for the job, and if it there is a budget friendly version on a timer that suits the bill. If I have to pay the big bucks to join this game I am willing, just looking for suggestions
This is what I use. It can do seconds, up to hours.

This one looks very nice, about $70 my currency shipped. His description of it says there is a version with a light sensor aswell that would be absolutely perfect but has none for sale or any seem to be for sale on ebay.

Being able to do 20 seconds on, 4 hours off, and only run during lights on would be ideal.

Thanks for the quick replies, Im searching as we speak aswell. Surprised how little talk there is of timers. Seems like a pretty important part to a lot of the hydro / aero / flood n drain growers
drippers come in different sizes also. You could of course, get some drip stakes that are smaller (diametrically) which would allow less to flow through.
I'll be watching this one :). I'm hoping to set something like your doing. I'll probably DIY a cycle timer using a 12v control, I'm a tinkerer lol. So you don't water at night at all and just lights on? If that's the case I'll need to keep that in mind.
IMG_4552.PNG This would I think and power off light circuit, all my lights are controlled by 24v relays so I could do it that way I'm thinking but it'll have to wait till fall. I'm outdoors now hoping it rains on a 36 hour cycle lol.