so mad i could slap somebody

classic example of girls and weed, they just dont go, and into the bargain chicks will even tell you it was them that made the call to the cops, take a note of it dude and keep it in your head not for the future, BUT FOR LIFE. dont even tell your cat he might be wired, tell no one page 1 of the weed book of rules. :blsmoke:

that big blue shit is kinda hard on the eyes man...
It's your brothers fault but you don't need to make an enemy out of him either.

I agree with punching him in the nuts, but when he stops rolling around on the ground gasping for air then help him back up and apologise and explain why you were mad. Then let the anger go.
It's your brothers fault but you don't need to make an enemy out of him either.

I agree with punching him in the nuts, but when he stops rolling around on the ground gasping for air then help him back up and apologise and explain why you were mad. Then let the anger go.

i agree except make it 2 nut punches on principal, but id kill that bitch! snitches deserve unmarked graves...
that big blue shit is kinda hard on the eyes man...
Ok can everyone online around the world change their writing to suit this dude who seems not happy with his eys getting hurt. is that ok for you, what about my house is it hot enough for you ? i could turn down the heat etc. :fire:
That seriously sucks bro, just shows girls are the DEVIL

I think it shows the stupidity of a male (his brother) for compromising his brother's grow by showing it to ANYONE. The same thing could have happened if he had showed it to a guy and later had a falling out with him.

Then again what do I know.... since I'm the devil and all :roll:

yeah he still is rather smug about the situation, and the motherfucker of it is, my chick never even saw it, she never slept over, and the only people who saw it were the ones he showed. we are no longer on speaking terms, but its all good.
Oh man, I just stumbled on your badass goldfish grow, and I was hoping to see how it turned out. Sucks about your lame brother and his girl problems!!! Keep those fools outta the loop next time!