How many of these never make it to charges as the crown determines there is no likelihood of conviction? I know of two such cases involving people I know in the last 3 years, and I live in a small town. In the end, it's all just speculation on everyone's part, myself included, but I would have preferred a discussion on my opinion rather than outright dismissal and mudslinging. Oh well! Cheers!Okay its a gray area until you get charged then you face the black and white system, those that have walked away with absolute discharges often
Have the funding to do constitutional challenges that run approx. 250k in legal fees.
How many of these things get to jury trial acquittals?
You're my boy Chris! *high five*
The difference between the two of us is i quoted relevent court cases, with explanations of the interpretations. You quoted Mernaugh as a case supporting your opinion, when in fact the Mernaugh case set patient access back when he lost and the decision was rendered.
Do you really not think those regs aren't changing as we speak so they can throw another fuck into this?You're not getting the point Vianarchris. I think what Sativeritas is pointing out that a viable argument can be made due the Regs not covering this angle.
There is no grey area in the law its black and white, compassion clubs are clearly illegal and those claiming medical need without being medically approved by a doctor
Are illegal. Think of Lawyering a bit like doing math proofs if hole exists then one can argue that
Ok good point, so what is a reasonable limit then? The problem of bikers with 500 plant licenses is what got
The system scrapped, so maybe get rid of the designated growers with 100 lighters??
And bring back different categories of diseases and corresponding limits for patient growers?
I'm approved for 6grams a day so under the old system I guess that would be 30 plants.
Its really a matter of limiting by plant count for specific medical usage not being the right method. The 6 plant number is often cited as reasonably light recreation and medical usage. Functionally the only way I can think of to properly manage personal production if we assume that prohibition is to be maintained, and medical usage is the only reason for someone to grow, is by using Lumens. Wattage doesnt work because of the variability in efficiency, plants dont work because you could get 6 oz's or 12 lbs off 6 plants.
Some will now argue that that's not fair for those patients that juice the plant. It actually works out pretty well with a lumen restriction. You just grow more plants at 22/2 timings and grow yourself all the juicy leaf you want.
Or perhaps limit the the amount of grow room by cubic feet - and limit out door production to number of plants. *shrugs* These are all the things that need to be discussed at all levels to forward the conversation in a sensible manner. Instead of screaming "fuck you" as loud as we can, we could also try influencing policy by "selling out" and working with the man- thats gonna be a popular statement