So Much Sweeter the Second Time Round (I Hope)


Well-Known Member
well i'm certainly counting on it WOW, i hope i can get this one home safely, wish me luck mate.


Well-Known Member
Hi matey, just caught up, new setup is wicked gunna be some show bro!!!!
I thinkin your gunna do some amazin things bro with this setup, all the lights the airpots + las mini scrogs your gunna kill mate good luck!!


Well-Known Member

a couple more pics of the haze, hps glow and all.

just been watching a show about gardeners setting up the park in the olympic villiage, they grow 40ft trees in airpots, so excited to see how my mj ends up in them, it is worth mentioning that i have 4 that are in 18l square pots so it will be a mini experiment to see if the airpots really do increase yields


Well-Known Member
it is a bit of a bitch watering, i originally had 42 in there then as they got bigger i kept just taking out the worst plants. i have got it down to 29 i think, but as you know me wow that might be give or take a couple of plants.

i start at one corner, then take out 6 plants to give me some room to manuever, after watering a row i move them into the corner and carry on til they are all done, when all those ones are done i bring back the 6 that are out of the room and slot them in. it's worth mentioning that they have only just been flipped so they are gonna continue to grow a lot for the next couple of weeks. hopefully i won't be taking any more out.


Well-Known Member
haha, I remember when you thought you lost a plant last grow ... then it turned up a week later, priceless.

that sounds like a lot of bloody work but a small price to pay in the long run!

I take it they're all cuts from the same mother? at least your canopy should be nice and even. do you reckon you could snap a pic of how the lights are set up and all the ducting? interested to see how you organise 9 lights lol.


Well-Known Member
haha, I remember when you thought you lost a plant last grow ... then it turned up a week later, priceless.

that sounds like a lot of bloody work but a small price to pay in the long run!

I take it they're all cuts from the same mother? at least your canopy should be nice and even. do you reckon you could snap a pic of how the lights are set up and all the ducting? interested to see how you organise 9 lights lol.
i'm not great with numbers :P what can i say..........

aye mate, they are all cuts from the same mother that i flowered last year, it was the nicest plant i've ever had the pleasure of seeing, i hope it is as good, if not better this time round.

i'll get some pictures up when i go round later, 9 lights is quite manageble wow, as i said earlier temps are quite good considering there are 9 mini radiators in the room.

Damn good read! Just got through all 39 pages. You sir, inspire me to be a better grower...
thanks man, i inspire myself to be a better grower, i just wish i had the time and the money to do things properly, i'm always rushing things.


Well-Known Member
if this is you rushing things, then shit, id hate to see what sort of things you could do if you took your time lol.

thats class, be funny if you an las were actually holding onto the same phenotypes, good phenos tend to stick around for a while ... exhibit: psychosis haha. I find my ducting to be an utter ballache, maybe its cause mines really crampt and a pain in the cock to work with, thats why air cooling 9 lights seems like a tall order in my mind!


Well-Known Member
to be honest wow i have only grown the one seed so i cant say too much about different phenos of slh, maybe i just got lucky but i know for a fact that this one i have going is the doggies bollocks mate. and the bigger the space to work in, the easier it is to grow, i would love a go at a warehouse, we'll wait and see.......

just finished off the last bit of critical, wish i had kept a bit more behind for percy stash.

gutted, i won't have anything except hash for the next 8 weeks because i refuse to buy shitty street weed.

i got a couple of 20 bags for my bro from the guy who is supposed to be the number one grower where i am and i was appalled at thhe quality, full of bud rot and pm, not going in my lungs that is for sure.

the last bud of critical i smoked yesterday.



Well-Known Member
thats too bad that no one grows dank around your area except for you. im sure when you get your harvests out for sale, people line up around the corners haha.


Well-Known Member
thats too bad that no one grows dank around your area except for you. im sure when you get your harvests out for sale, people line up around the corners haha.
the cheese took less than a week to go, the critical was a bit harder to sell simply because it didn't stink to high heaven. i just wish growers round here were more like me, i'm not the slightest bit greedy.

Hows thing ghb all well i hope..
going alright mate apart from the fact that i aint got any bud left, i'm gonna be a messs smoking hash for the next two months. you good?


Well-Known Member
to be honest wow i have only grown the one seed so i cant say too much about different phenos of slh, maybe i just got lucky but i know for a fact that this one i have going is the doggies bollocks mate. and the bigger the space to work in, the easier it is to grow, i would love a go at a warehouse, we'll wait and see.......
yeh mustve struck gold mate, I read theres tonnes of different phenos, like 10+ but each one produces a wicked smoke! lol warehouse, now that would be something man!

that critical looks really nice and dense, shame about the lack of bud but you will appreciate it that much more in a couple months ;)
