So Much Sweeter the Second Time Round (I Hope)


Well-Known Member
i have no filter at the min but i no longer vent to outside. i used to have a filter attached to my fan and then exhaust out of a vent in my roof, i come home one day about 8 weeks in flowering the whole street smelled of cheese, that was a scary week for sure.
lol ya but your cheese is a tent with like 40plants all funky and as a monkey, while mine is 2 plants maybe 3 at the max in the mature flowering state at a time, hopefully i dont get that strong of a smell lol.

My greenhouse didnt smell that much and it next to the neibors fence lol.


Well-Known Member
Lol that would've put the shits up me thats for sure. I've read that Ak47 and any type of cheese absolutely need odor control cause the funk is so pungent. The first time I ever got hold of some blue cheese I had an 8th in a ziploc baggy and my entire bottom floor of the house stunk, was probably the best street-bought weed I've had.


Well-Known Member
What up ghb!!!..................Lookin sweet my friend good work bro and good choice on the g13 haze lol!!!!!!
Subbed!!!!(a little late)


Well-Known Member
not late pukka, just in time mate!, this is when it starts to get intersting with the updates.
as much as a healthy vegging plant is nice to look at, what we all want is big fat buds to salivate over.

aye the g-13 is a cracker alright, got the cuttings from a friend who got his plant from a bagseed of some exquisite bud. he hasn't had hermie problems so i'm hoping i don't either, i'll take some proper pics later when i get in.


Well-Known Member
i have been getting real lazy of late, i haven't bothered trying to lst the haze bushes, they all got topped multiple times except for one and if they get too close to the lights i supercrop them

buds are starting to pack on weight now, the next watering they will be getting a light dose of pk 13/14
hazey bud.jpg

the cheese on the other hand is struggling to get enought light, they are gonna give me very little in weight but i'm sure they will be tasty


group shots, the back right corner where i am using the cmh is going amazing, the nodes are hardly stretched at all they have loads more foliage and are twice as cristallly. i might have to move it over to the cheese bed to help them along, we'll see.

group shot.jpghazey.jpg


Well-Known Member
Lookin good my friend do you rate the pk13/14?, i used it on my last grow thought it was good but not sure really!!


Well-Known Member
the pk defo works but i wouldn't buy it again, i use atami bloombastic instead, it is 0-20-21 instead of 0-13-14 it also contains all the micronutrients and chelated iron and some other good stuff. i will use the pk 13/14 because i hate waste so i give them that for a week then bloombastic for the rest. now the bloombastic i would defo reccomend my friend


Well-Known Member
i've never tried that stuff before, only pk 13/14 and bloombastic and the bloombastic takes the piss out of the pk 13/14. hammerhead is made by advanced nutrients and most people including myself are very sceptical about using their products. if you do try it let us know how it works, i'm stuck in a rut when it comes to nutes though, i can't see me changing what i use already.


Well-Known Member
Ive seen loads of people debating which is the best PK booster in the canna nute thread but surely if it's 13/14 you would just use more and it would become (roughly) 20/21 ? I know the ratio would be slightly off but I dunno. I think it was don who said they're all the same thing just in slightly different amounts, so it comes down to value for money lol.


Well-Known Member
you can take anybodys oppinion with a pinch of salt, every day somebody comes out with a claim they have found the new breakthrough method of growing of new lights or products to make your bud better. i personally stopped listening to other people after my first grow, i will always say the same thing now, do what you want to do, only then will you be happy.


Well-Known Member
If it aint broke, don't fix it. With grows like you've been knocking out, theres no need for you to change it.


Well-Known Member
how far into flower are you? plants look pretty good and healthy! doesnt seem like your yield is up there with the last few grows though, possibly just to early in flower to really tell. are you going to stick with the multiple plants in a potter next round or you going to try something different? what nutes do you use?


Well-Known Member
i've never tried that stuff before, only pk 13/14 and bloombastic and the bloombastic takes the piss out of the pk 13/14. hammerhead is made by advanced nutrients and most people including myself are very sceptical about using their products. if you do try it let us know how it works, i'm stuck in a rut when it comes to nutes though, i can't see me changing what i use already.
Ive got half a bottle of 13/14 so im gunna use it up i think, took a look at the bloombastic sounds good bro deff a thought for the future, cheers!

If it aint broke, don't fix it. With grows like you've been knocking out, theres no need for you to change it.
You said it mate!!...thats another reason im gunna use up the 13/14 im kinda used to it now ya no!

las fingerez

Well-Known Member
i've never tried that stuff before, only pk 13/14 and bloombastic and the bloombastic takes the piss out of the pk 13/14. hammerhead is made by advanced nutrients and most people including myself are very sceptical about using their products. if you do try it let us know how it works, i'm stuck in a rut when it comes to nutes though, i can't see me changing what i use already.
did u use boost with ur pk or just on its own bro? i been saying to the doc that boost and pk together are kinda similar to bloombastic? am i completely on the wrong vibe here then?


Well-Known Member
If it aint broke, don't fix it. With grows like you've been knocking out, theres no need for you to change it.
right on the money there mate, i'm always looking for ways to improve my yields and the quality of the finished product, but like i said earlier , i'm a right lazy bastard, i also think nutes aren't as important as environment and plant care.

how far into flower are you? plants look pretty good and healthy! doesnt seem like your yield is up there with the last few grows though, possibly just to early in flower to really tell. are you going to stick with the multiple plants in a potter next round or you going to try something different? what nutes do you use?
ouch, i'm hurt!!. you are going to eat your words my man, stay tuned because the buds have only just started, gonna be my best yield yet i'm thinking.
i have only used the a+b nutes so far, no bloom boosters. only joking by the way, my skin is much thicker than that, i don't think i'm gonna get much from the cheese, but the haze is gonna give me 5 oz + per plant i GUARANTEE that. yeah i will be doing this for all my grows from now on i think, it is a lot less time consuming, i'm looking into getting an automated feeding system in there next run though, maybe a wilma set up.

Ive got half a bottle of 13/14 so im gunna use it up i think, took a look at the bloombastic sounds good bro deff a thought for the future, cheers!

You said it mate!!...thats another reason im gunna use up the 13/14 im kinda used to it now ya no!
i give them a hit of the pk 13/14 this morning, i didn't even measure it out, i just poured what was left in the bottle i had into the res, i think it was at about 10ml/l which is very strong, i don't think it will burn them though, the roots are massive and these babies will take a lot of juice for sure.

did u use boost with ur pk or just on its own bro? i been saying to the doc that boost and pk together are kinda similar to bloombastic? am i completely on the wrong vibe here then?

i've never used the boost so i can't tell you mate, i know a lot of people who like it though. i just use the pk to get them into the rythm of things, i stop using it after a week and get on the bloombastic after that. give them the pk 13/14 this morning and i'll give it til sunday to get pics up, wait til you see the difference.

20 days in 12/12............. i think:shock:


Well-Known Member
haha well ill very gladly eat my words! i would love to see another great harvest and if you say its coming then ill be waiting anxiously! 5oz per plant is going to be crazy! i think we need some more pics just to wrap my head around that haha.