so my cat likes marijuana..


Active Member
.. or so i found out today. I apologize if my thoughts are a bit scattered, but ill try to make as much sense as i can.

My brother just recently dropped off a little chronic plant he had gotten from his buddy at my house about 3 days ago. As ecstatic as i was about the gift, i knew very well that i didnt really have the monetary means to give it the care that it needed. Not only that, i dont know what strain it is, i dont know what my brothers friend used for the soil, and i only have a rough guess as to how long its been growing(its about six inches and still pretty small).

Despite all of the above, i still havent found it in myself to get rid of it. Im a total fucking noob at this, so anything ive done for the plant so far could be in vain. Anyhow, i had the plant sitting on the window sill so it could get some sunshine(i havent gotten any lights yet) and my twat roommate left the door open. Needless to say, the cat got to it, chewed at the leaves and pretty much ate most of one of the bigger leaves. The upper-half of the main stem is a bit tilted now too, but overall its still standing pretty strong. IF this is still salvageable, should i leave the damaged leaves alone and let it run its course in healing or would removing them somehow screw it up even more??

wow.. thats pretty long.. sorry.. im a little stoney right now:blsmoke: .. this is also my first post.. :mrgreen: so HELLO EVERYONE!!:joint: