so my partner licks balls.....

my buddy had this extra room in his apartment i told him hey lets grow he was all for it. i had all the equipment and nutes ready to go i probly invested about 1000 bucks so the deal was he takes care of expenses, water,electricity, cleaning supplies and we would split the crop. at this point he has probly invested 500 bucks at most. i told him though he needed to get his whole house clean otherwise we are gonna have problems, because he has lived there for 5-6 years as a bachlor never once shampooed the carpets,never changed the air filters on his a.c. and only vaccumed when he could manage to barrow a vaccum. black mold all over the bathroom it was nasty, he didnt head my advice he just cleaned the extra room for growing half ass didnt even vaccum. so we started shit went good for a month then spider mites came trough i told him hey since this isnt a completly clean enviroment and it get a little warm at peak hours are best bet is to get some predator mites, he gets all butt hurt saying he spending to much money on everything and cant afford it. so i had to go get some cheap insecticides that didnt work so by the time i had convinced him to cough up thirty bucks for mites there is a full on infestion, web cannopys on tops of the buds and even worse down low. i got three weaks left till harvest i am hoping the predator mites will have things cleared up by then,anybody know how long it takes? anyway i cant depend on him to even keep me supplied with water and i tell him to keep the air conditionar on at day and heater at night but he refuses because he want to save electricty.this is the first try at this and ive told him it will get better if we take the proper precautions, but he alredy want to give up hes a duetch, ive presented the math to him and after this grow we can be getting 50grams every 5 days thats 300 a month 150 each which is approx 5 oz a month and were im from thats worth about 1000 bucks give or take pge is about 140 a month and nutes about 150 a month but he wants to quit:wall:
so now im out a place to grow ive got a spider mite infested crop and ive wasted many hours taking care of this since he doesnt know shit about growing, which i do remind him is a skill and im not taking compensation for using my skill. anybody else got any shity partner stories it might make me feel better :fire: i know what im gonna do though once i get set up again and i got the budz rolling in im still chargen him retail no deals fuck my partner


Well-Known Member
thats why u never start sumthing with sumone whos not in a forward motion with u.,.,anytime u have a partner-ship.,.,u have to move in the same forward direction.,.,"
".if ya want sumthin done right u have to do it ureself.,.,go0d luck.,.,and if ya ride like lightning then youll crash like thunder"


Active Member
same shit happened to me man
my partner fucked me ryte over kept turning the lights off when i went home didnt water em when it was neccecary etc.

cant trust no1 except urself

The Real Peter Parker

Well-Known Member
Thread title is inaccurate.

Anyways, straight up tell him to look at the fucking plants. I would be willing to bet if you threw him a zip when it was time to start the next grow and went through and helped him clean the house, showing him how to do it, and then just telling him straight up how it has to be done or this shit will happen again, and if he fails out this time then he fails out. You find few opportunities to grow, so give this dude another try. Also, don't lick his balls and don't tell him to lick your balls.


Well-Known Member
what you do is finish up this crop and maybe one more but if you can get out after this one find somewhere else to grow so u can do it right without chopping ur profits if you do one more run i would only do it will you looking a new place
in after thought it all boils down to the fact he doesn't appreciate the dicipline it takes to grow weed and i made a wrong the wrong desicion, i shouldnt of backed down on the cleaning issue i should of made him clean the carpets and enforced better protocols of entering the room because if the mites didn't come from the carpet it could of easily came off are cloths that we wear in the outside world, what i couldnt control was his decision making if i could do that we would be gold also it seems now that hes the type that gives up wasyh when things get a little rough
the only reason im not doing it my own room is the fact my shitty apartment only has a swamp cooler that also licks balls my lease is up in feburay then i will have complete control and only be able to blame myself when im smoking my face off and i pull a scroge mcduck and am swimin in my fourtane


Well-Known Member
Your title threw me off! haha. i go 50-50 on this tru first grow of mine then im solo probaly, i did it fer the help on the funds, he doesnt hav much part, but hes learning as we go so he can do his own!:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
make sure you dont tell him about the fact you will no longer be growing with him till after you have gotten your share of this crop, he'll probally fuck you over even worse if you do.


Well-Known Member
hahaahhaahaaaaa! peter park u have the same damn sence of humor as one of my buddies in montery, ca.....ur not him....r u???:lol:


Well-Known Member
yea but get a house not an apartment much safer and more room then no apartment fire inspects/ susper pop in when he not suppose too have heard this being the down fall of many growers my best advice kill mites there are several ways that are safe to use til harvest neem oil being one aswell as others, set up one more crop for a lil extra money endure and then use that money to set up ur house and when he wants to know why tell him cus he licks balls