So, people say you can't smoke leaves and get high...


Well-Known Member
The book is called "Marijuana Grower's Guide" -by Mel Frank

It was first published in 1978(sorry I said 1979 before) In Los Angeles California. you know why it used to be called "grass"

I have the 1997 Revised Color Edition(Deluxe), but all the text is the same as the original(Im guessing)

Here's a sample from page 286 Chapter Twenty- Harvest
"Leaves: We have emphasized that you should harvest grass during the course of the season. One reason is to assure yourself a return for your efforts. It is a sad commentary on our times that the greatest danger in growing marijuana outdoors is that the plants may be ripped off. On a more positive note, vegetative shoots and leaves can be surprisingly potent and should be sampled.
The potency of each new set of leaves is higher than the last pair until a plateua is reached, usually during the middle of vegetative growth. Thereafter the potency of new leaves stays about the same as in those preceding. Often there is a noticeable decline in potency just prior to flowering. Leaves that form during the flowering are usually more potent than those formed during the vegetative plateua. Leaves that form after the bloom are less potent."

so... hes not totally crazy.. just doing things old school

Id like to point out that this book in fact comes from california


New Member
it isn't as good as buds but is sure beats the pants off of nothing.
My buddy smokes leaves from veg all the way through flower. Guy is really hard core. Unfortunately I cannot make him realize that he is sacrificing bud, shocking his plants, and not even getting high. This is a pic of his plants 5 weeks into flower. DON'T LET THIS HAPPEN TO YOU!!Picture 016.jpg


Well-Known Member
5 weeks in? thats a shame, are they at least a long flowring strain?

My buddy smokes leaves from veg all the way through flower. Guy is really hard core. Unfortunately I cannot make him realize that he is sacrificing bud, shocking his plants, and not even getting high. This is a pic of his plants 5 weeks into flower. DON'T LET THIS HAPPEN TO YOU!!View attachment 1964389


Well-Known Member
Hmm...well I will make sure that my plants don't look like that one...but the one I am taking from right now literally has 40 was a plant that was in 5 weeks flower in hydro and it looked like shit cuz we went on vacation and I just couldn't take it anymore so I went and got some FFOF soil and put it in the soil and started it vegging again...or course I snipped off most of the buds at least on the sides, but when you veg a bud it grows a crazy MJ bush, or tree even....Not to mention this plant is a 12 week+ Sativa...and it is only 2 weeks into flower, so there is A LOT of recovery time I am not worried about hurting it...I have been growing just this one strain for the past 2 years---until recently it has been my only strain...So we have come to know each other very personally...and to tell you the truth finnicky bitch that she is I love her and all her weird little


Well-Known Member
My buddy smokes leaves from veg all the way through flower. Guy is really hard core. Unfortunately I cannot make him realize that he is sacrificing bud, shocking his plants, and not even getting high. This is a pic of his plants 5 weeks into flower. DON'T LET THIS HAPPEN TO YOU!!View attachment 1964389
Yeah...this thing grows more leaves than I could smoke down to look like he literally just scavenged those things to death huh?


New Member
Yeah...this thing grows more leaves than I could smoke down to look like he literally just scavenged those things to death huh?
Actually there are now 3 left. He hacked down 2 of thm a few days after some buds started to show. So now there are 3 left. But, they rae getting to look ok because he is leaving them alone. At least until a couple of days from now. pray for him! LOL!


New Member
I don't buy weed. He is happy doing it his way and I will share my harvest with him.

Sorry missnu I did not meant to jack your thread.


Well-Known Member
LOL thats funny, so he harvested as soon as he saw buds poppin? lol

Making bubble hash is the way to go, ends up with a better product than the bud itself so long as you dont throw any bigger leaves in the mix. Im gunna use all the trimmings/popcorn buds from my sativas to make some sweet bubble hash. How much do the bags cost?


Active Member
You can, but man leaves are harsh. I smoked some leaves off an ak48 plant a while back. No lie though I got pretty baked. But bud is always the ideal thing to smoke haha.