So...She got caught.


Well-Known Member
My girlfriend was caught with some bud in school today.

Less than 2 grams...possibly 1.5. She got a ticket, and a 5 day suspension, and has a court date soon.

What does this mean? She is 17, and it was less than 2 harsh could the punishment be? No prior offenses, etc.

See...everyone picks on me for being "too careful"...fuck that, I've been burning for 8 years and haven't gotten nailed once. Not trying to brag, just saying.

Does anyone know if her name will be printed in the paper? I mean, she got a ticket, but she IS a minor. I didn't think they could do that.

One more thing.


J - Dog

Well-Known Member
smoking for 8 years?
and your girlfriend is 17..?

That means you're involved in statutory rape or started smoking at age 9 :lol:

J/K bro'. :twisted:

Sucks, but she's a minor, misdemeanor, and lesson learned.

How'd she get caught?


Well-Known Member
name can't be in the paper in she's a minor (at least, not in IL) be happy she only got a fucking ticket... and wasn't taken to jail. I've been taken down twice now because of overzelous cops... tickets aren't shit, she's got nothing to worry about, tickets don't stay on your record very long.


Well-Known Member
That means you're involved in statutory rape or started smoking at age 9 :lol:
Lol. I'm 18, shes 17. I started smoking when I was 10. Haha. (heavily when I was 14 or so, but still...I've had it for 8 years, been hiding it for 8 years.)

Thats a relief though. I was pretty worried...I only smoke with a selected few people to avoid this kind of bullshit. We are all pretty good at keeping it on the DL...this is the first run in with the law.

Thanks for reassuring me. :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
yeah... you should be fine... I smoke with anyone I can and don't really do much to hide it and I don't even live in a state that is willing to only issue a ticket. Had I been caught in high school I would have had much harsher penalties, like immediate suspention for the rest of the semester, arrested by police, booked, taken to jail, HEAVY fine... you get the point. Be happy to live where you only get a ticket, your a shitload safer than I am by where you live.