So they almsot died....


Active Member
So my four babies about died. 3 of them seem to be recovering nicely but the sensi star not so much. I was supposed to be flowering this coming week but my dumbass self decided to change from drip system to aeroponic. put my babies in shock and they all just droop over. Then the ac goes out and its like 93 degrees for like 9 hours!!!! Any recommendations? IS there any hope? should i start over? I'm really contemplating cutting them down and just starting over....


Well-Known Member
It will take alot less time to try and fix them then to start from scratch.. I wouldn't worry about the temps because I have had ac bite the shit and it's been like 115 in one of my rooms before and as long as the plants don't burn they should be fine. What's the ph of your water?


Active Member
They are doing wonderfully now. Just had to baby them for a week or so. Initiated flowering today. can't wait to see what how they turn out.


Active Member
haha rite! naw i learned a shit ton so far. The next grow will be better i'm sure. but for now. this first grow is lookin magnificent. It smells to dankilicious! the sour d is already budding and looks superb!