So wait, hydroponic grown MJ has the same potency as soil grown MJ?


Active Member
OK, say that this is true. Why are there tons of people that are growing hydroponics when soil is easier and takes up less room. I understand that the growing period is shortened but unless you are selling a lot or a ginormouse pothead(quite possible), why would you grow hydroponics?

For my 2nd grow I might switch to soil since I don't have to worry about reseviors taking up room when I could fit more plants in my closet if this is true.
you are right, im a soil guy myself. i just added a veg only room to my operation. to tell the truth though, im thinking of switching to hydro (aeroponics) though for my veg room. i added a veg room to speed things up and adding hydro would speed things up even more. this way i should have more than enough clones for myself and even my friends that also grow. im sticking with soil for flower though. more time to flush and better flavor. im not sure how much hydro would speed up flowering cause it takes a while anyway to finish maturing. my next project is adding co2 to my flower room. going to be done the right way too with tanks, control unit and such. going to cost me about a grand. im not interested in any cheap shortcuts cause they dont provide nearly as good of results.


Active Member
I find that DWC is really fairly easy, clean, low maintenance (I only spend about 15 minutes once a week changing out the buckets), and cheap. Other than topping the buckets off occasionally with pH'ed tap water (which is really simple and fast), I don't spend any more time with the DWC buckets than with any plants in soil. And they do grow noticeably faster in hydroponic systems...

I can't tell a difference in taste between soil or hydro with the nutrients I use either (PBP/LK/Ca Bentonite clay). But it's probably just me - other people might have better taste perception or something.