So we decided to finally try a Vape...


Well-Known Member
I didnt want to invest $ 500 bucks into a vaporizer so I did a little surfing around and decided on the Eazy Vape.
Now, the Mrs and I have been tokin traditional for over 30 years now, and I knew there would be a learning curve here getting used to the thing.
So, in a few days it arrives and we are anxious to try it out. The idea of a "cleaner" way of ingestion was very appealing to me.
The problem became evident almost right away and its something I never expected....We're both choking to death on the damned thing.
Now, I know theres going to be some experimenting with the temperature to find the right spots but I started at 360 degrees and found that was too hot as most of the "payload" burned black. So, I turn it way back to 275 and that seemed to work much better but the, we both coughed up a lung trying to hit this bastard.
A little history..... We have never been the type to smoke from bongs, pipes, pop cans or whatever for this same reason, especially the Mrs. We've always found it all to be too harsh no matter if it was made of wood, steel, or glass so we are and always have been Zig-Zag rollers exclusively. For us, that has always been what delivered the best hit.
We've only had it for 2 days so we have more experimenting to do. I really wanted this method to work.
Any ideas in the meantime ?



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Smaller hits? Some vapes use bags allowing you to take several hits off of a bowl, spreading the hit out more.
This is a whip style system. I dunno, it just seems like the vapor itself is so far a lot more harsh than I expected it to be.
I'm in the same boat as you, Cob. The Mrs and I have been 'traditional' joint smokers for the best part of twenty years, but we're both keen to move away from combustion for health reasons. I've never enjoyed pipes, bongs, lungs, etc, but being a former cigarette smoker, I can't seem to move away from joints.

I had a Magic Flight Launch Box which, after about a week of constant use, I decided was garbage. The small sips of vapor I drew from the MFLB were a constant irritation on my throat, and made the whole vaping experience pretty shitty.

I've yet to try any other vaporizer, but I've watched and read countless reviews on all kinds of desktop and portable vapes. Most seem to suggest using a water tool to help filter the vapor and reduce irritation to the throat. The Volcano has been around for a decade, and has great pedigree. I've had my eye on a MiniVap portable, but it costs about as much as a Volcano. Seems expensive for something I might not enjoy using.

The Pinnacle Pro and The Arizer Solo have water tool adapters as extra and are significantly cheaper than the Volcano/Minivap, so I might bite the bullet and pick one of them up sometime.

Keep us posted on your vaping endeavors. I'm genuinely interested in following the process of a habitual joint smoker moving from joints to vaping.
Thanks for the very interesting reply Sunny Jim. I do believe our methods of NEVER really getting used to smoking from other devices other than a rolled joit has something to do with this. Actually, I believe it has something to do with the drawing of oxygen through these other devices that we never got used to. It seems like with a joint, there's very little air mixing with the smoke when drawing in, and thats what we are so used to. I know that might seem crazy but I do know that we have tried all kinds of other devices over many years and we've always gone right back to the rolled joint style. Even if we had very little left, we would still manage to put it in a paper to smoke it.
Now I have to admit that even though this vape is causing us to choke on it, and causing irritation to the throat, I definately notice that it seems to be easier on the lungs afterward.
If we could just keep it down !!
......Or maybe I wasted $65.
is your smoke cured properly?

dont try and inhale like a joint.... watch some you tube videos... slower inhales is usually the best method
In my experience with vapes, the cheap ones aren't worth jack shit, and are a waste of money. I've had a chance to try many vapes over the years, from a number of the different leading companies. I'd steer clear of the majority of them...absolute shiite.

If one wants to get serious about vapeing, they need to first acquire a proper vape. I wasted hundreds of dollars on crap before settling on a Volcano, and I've used it almost exclusively for nearly 5 years. It is expensive, but it is the gold standard, and you'll never need another vape. The bag system is great, every piece goes together like a puzzle...great german engineering. Love my V.

I have a buddy that works for Arizer company, so I've been able to try their vapes too, and I would say they are good quality, more economical vapes. I ended up buying a Solo from him after trying it out...for a portable device, its great! Its a slightly harder draw than a bag vape, due to its design, but it provided me a smoother hit than even my volcano's bag.

If money was an issue, but I was really into a bag style vape, I'd look at the Arizer Extreme-Q. Its a bag style, does a good job, is a quality device too...(at a way lower price point to the Volcano). I know some folk that prefer it to the Volcano due to some small items, like a remote and auto-shut off (compared to the manual Volcano I have that has no extras).

There are some newer devices on the market that look promising too, but I have yet to try Volcano is my daily go-to device, and its hard to think of something else, for me. On the road, my Solo is my first choice.

Just my 2c worth.
Well, yeah money is most definitely an issue. I have a feeling that if we dont find a way to get accustomed to this one here, we'd probably never buy another one. Its still in the trail status but so far the Mrs is less than impressed and that kind of pisses me off because she smokes a lot more than I do ( nice huh:) ) and I was hoping this would be easier on her long term since she just recently quit smoking cigarettes.
I'm glad I found this thread. Same boat you guys are in and I've been thinking seriously about investing in a vaporizer. Been smoking camel non-filters and weed for about 45 years, the occasional cigar, etc. Cigarettes and joints are as easy as it gets as far as delivery systems go. They also (IMO) take the highest toll on the user.

Tried a vape rig for e-cigs about a year ago, I guess I picked the wrong juice because it just couldn't keep up with the camels. So, now it sits in a drawer. A juice shop just opened not too far away so I may resurrect it now that I can get things locally. But, here's the thing:
Camel + match = done. The e-cig takes more effort; battery; cart, juice, etc.

I guess I need to be honest with myself and decide if I would really use it after a few times. If it's very much 'harder' than joint + match, I'm not sure I would. Honestly.
It would have to be super easy, super reliable, and such an improvement over traditional methods that I would be motivated to use it.

The quandary is the cheap shit can't deliver a true experience and the good ones are an expensive gamble. Too bad you can't rent one.
You are not the only one that had a hard time with EZ Vape:

I have the Da Buddha vape and LOVE IT. I don't like smoking, so vaping is the only way I consume MJ. Suggestions from my experience vaping 4 years: Try use a small amount of weed, covering the screen with a little extra; Slow and long inhales work the best (tokes are much lighter than smoking); if you get a burnt flavor it's not working right.

I think it is in your best interest health-wise to buy a good vape. After using a good vape and if you decide it's not for you you can still sell it on eBay and get most of your money back. A good vape is the desktop Da Buddha ($134 on Ebay) or the portable Magic Flight Launch Box ($74 on eBay).
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The wife and I have been smoking for over 40 years and her asthma really made it hard for her to take hits off a joint (our normal way of getting high).

By the sounds of it, we got lucky when I bought a PAX vaporizer

Here's a video review:

I think the air resistance when taking a hit really helps not horking up a lung every hit. It's like it's metering how much vapor your getting per hit. It's a very well designed vaporizer that has a high-quality feel, the battery last a long time, and you can get about a dozen good hits off of it before reloading (you will be ripped at that point).

The charger is slick, the on/off is slick, and the magnetic cap is slick.
From my experience, it could just be down to getting accustomed to it, or the individual. I have a volcano, and i can use it happily (i don't, because smoke kicks vapors ass imo despite the health issues) yet my gf, someone who smokes a lot more than me, and has lungs of steel, can't take one small hit off the bag. Get's her coughing and heaving, she'll no longer even try to use it.
Interesting vids guys. Thing here is the one guy mainly didnt like the fact that the vape sits at an upward angle thus leaving it to the possibility that the content falls down onto the heater where it will burn. So far, I havent had issue with that as mine seems to have just enough moisture to stay packed in the bottom of the chamber. Now the issue of getting it dialed in temp wise, THATS where we're at currently.
Again, thanks to all for the input.
yet my gf, someone who smokes a lot more than me, and has lungs of steel, can't take one small hit off the bag. Get's her coughing and heaving, she'll no longer even try to use it.

This is my EXACT situation, at least right now. Mine can outsmoke a blast furnace but she cant hold in the smallest hits from this thing.
Briefly speaking, I know its ungodly how expensive the volcano is, but I've had my digital volcano for 6 years and, compared with all of the other vapes i have/ have tried, the one thing the volcano does that the others seem not to is preserve the flavor profiles of your bud. And, particularly the first couple hits off a bag, are just pure tastiness.

So, i guess when you're evaluating vaporization you really need to take into consideration your own habits, preferences, reasons for consuming cannabis, indeed a whole host of variables. If it is worth it to you to (a) not combust your plant matter, (b) not inhale said combusted material, (c) are interested in being able to achieve variable experiences from the same plant matter by selectively activating the available cannabinoid profile, and (d) are interested in the maximum possible expression of flavor, then it might be worth it to set aside 15 bucks a week for 40 weeks and pick up the volcano at the end of the year. if those conditions are met, it will be a worthwhile investment. AND, on a side note, the volcano is built like a fucking tank. i've had a glass table top fall on the top of my volcano, put a huge dent in the top, and she runs like she's brand new still!

anyhow, just my two cents,
be easy, best of luck with vaporization,
Briefly speaking, I know its ungodly how expensive the volcano is, but I've had my digital volcano for 6 years and, compared with all of the other vapes i have/ have tried, the one thing the volcano does that the others seem not to is preserve the flavor profiles of your bud. And, particularly the first couple hits off a bag, are just pure tastiness.

So, i guess when you're evaluating vaporization you really need to take into consideration your own habits, preferences, reasons for consuming cannabis, indeed a whole host of variables. If it is worth it to you to (a) not combust your plant matter, (b) not inhale said combusted material, (c) are interested in being able to achieve variable experiences from the same plant matter by selectively activating the available cannabinoid profile, and (d) are interested in the maximum possible expression of flavor, then it might be worth it to set aside 15 bucks a week for 40 weeks and pick up the volcano at the end of the year. if those conditions are met, it will be a worthwhile investment. AND, on a side note, the volcano is built like a fucking tank. i've had a glass table top fall on the top of my volcano, put a huge dent in the top, and she runs like she's brand new still!

anyhow, just my two cents,
be easy, best of luck with vaporization,

And also take into account just how good your palette is. Near all bud tastes the same to me, there are just a handful of "tastes" i identify (despite being a chef with a very good palette). One of the reasons i splashed out on the volcano was because of the supposed wow tastes. It all just tastes the same to me.
I've been a joint smoker all my 40+yrs of consuming cannabis and recently bought an Ascent Vaporizer. What I have learned is that, with vaporizers, you usually get what you pay for, and the most productive way to hit them is very slow and easy. It takes a while to get used to but will work a lot better. One big difference to me is the high. The vape high is cleaner feeling, more of an energetic high. I still can not stay away from joints. I usually vape during the day and then hit on a joint at night.
And also take into account just how good your palette is. Near all bud tastes the same to me, there are just a handful of "tastes" i identify (despite being a chef with a very good palette). One of the reasons i splashed out on the volcano was because of the supposed wow tastes. It all just tastes the same to me.

also take into consideration your gear; if you don't clean your chamber and use a new or clean bag, its just like a dirty piece of glass and, yes, will turn all of your bud to tasting like the resin that you're heating and smoking with each hit.

Speaking of cleaning, if you DO like to keep your tools clean, the volcano and vaporization in general is pretty nice because the vape residues are all alcohol soluble and most vaporizers can be taken apart and cleaned very easily with a little wash pan, isopropyl alcohol and an old toothbrush. I can keep my volcano in tip-top shape by breaking it down once a week and giving it a quick once over with alcohol and the toothbrush.
be easy,
I've been a joint smoker all my 40+yrs of consuming cannabis and recently bought an Ascent Vaporizer. What I have learned is that, with vaporizers, you usually get what you pay for, and the most productive way to hit them is very slow and easy. It takes a while to get used to but will work a lot better. One big difference to me is the high. The vape high is cleaner feeling, more of an energetic high. I still can not stay away from joints. I usually vape during the day and then hit on a joint at night.

I follow the same pattern in general, though i usually just turn my temps up past 400*F during the weeknights and rip the bong on the weekend nights; keeps me on my toes so-to-speak
also take into consideration your gear; if you don't clean your chamber and use a new or clean bag, its just like a dirty piece of glass and, yes, will turn all of your bud to tasting like the resin that you're heating and smoking with each hit.

Mine is pretty much "as new". I've used it probably 15 times (as in 15 chambers) over the past three years. all tasted generic from the first hit regardless of strain or grower.