So what are the chances that...


Well-Known Member
ya its good but shouldnt you have put that in the other thread?
I didn't see it, my wife told me she saw you posted it, just was adding something so you wouldn't think I was totally beating up on you.

a proxy isnt fullproof
Don't presume that you know what your talking about, you don't know my methods, or even how man I loop though.

y would u wonder that?
now y would I wonder that, you sure sound like a minor, that being said I'm gona have to say bye bye I don't talk to kids, if you are a minor you aren't allowed (let alone welcome) on this site.

take care


Well-Known Member
yeah that's what the piggly wigglies want you to think that if you ask them "are you a cop"
they have to tell you. Yeah man tell yourself that every time you ask someone that.
They will let ya know about the time they slam the cuffs on ya.

Seriously, they aren't bound by ANY law to tell you anything,
undercover means just that, they are out to do a job.

Play it safe, dont meet anyone on here, this is about learning to grow,
not finding new "Buds" to smoke/deal with.
Don't do something not smart and give away your location either.

was gonna respond but this one said what i was thinking....;-)