• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

So what do you guys think about Japans recent tsunami and there nuclear plants


Well-Known Member
Man, the "Pacific Ring Of Fire" is really heating up. Recall recent earthquakes in Chile, Hawaii volcanoes more active than in recent memory..there will be more I'm sure.


Well-Known Member
While I definitely respect your point of view, I have to disagree with it sharply. You insinuate that the people on the streets of Libya are fighting for freedom and democracy. The same conclusion was hastily drawn up during the uprisings in Egypt, and now the military runs the country and has suspended the constitution. They have promised elections in the future, but we have heard that before with Saddam, Qhadaffi, Castro, and anyone else that has led a coupd'etat. The people on the streets of Libya have taken up arms. Getting involved now would be interfering with another country's politics. Obama is right to be leary of this one, he has Republicans that portray him as a big government spender and we have no assets or interests to protect in Libya. President Obama is waiting for allies or the UN to act first. He has already ordered the Kersage, and a carrier group into the Mediterranean Sea and they are there to act if ordered to. I don't see us getting involved in Libya, as it has turned into a civil war. Both sides are armed, and there is no guarantee the winning side even wants Democracy; they are just fed up with Authoritarian rule.
I didn's say the people in Egypt were free or say anything about that, they've just been given the illusion of winning, the Army still in control means most likely they are no better off. The debate about the legality of going into Libya is just a delay tactic, but I'll bet you we won't do shit neither will the UN or anyone else in the world.

And to whoever says I'm off my meds... You clearly have never done any research, didn't watch the video's I posted, and believe whatever you're told. I don't blame you, it's hard to wrap your mind around, you've been brainwashed all your life. At least watch the video's before you call bullshit, otherwise you have no right to enter a conversation about it at all.


Well-Known Member
Actually, the only speculating and wild theories i see is from you and the Libya conspiracy guy saying the USA caused the earthquake/tsunami :roll: lol...

Hell, Chernobyl was a complete meltdown, and while we took on radiation here in the US from continental drift, it wasn't sufficient. Keep in mind, a nuclear event or reaction, has not occurred. The US has already rushed over coolant and we are working directly with Japan and the IAEA to prevent a meltdown at either endangered facility.

Well yeah. Its ALL speculation at this point.

But the jet stream is not a fantasy.


Well-Known Member
It's impossible to wrap my mind around your ridiculous conspiracy. You actually believe that the USA has the power to push a button and engage a tsunami or a record earthquake? This is not the hallucinatory substances forum.... Anything that could cause that big of a shift in the Earth's crust would leave a residue or signature if it was man made. It's easier to believe you are off your meds than it is to believe the crazy notion that you are putting forth.

I didn's say the people in Egypt were free they've just been given the illusion of winning, the Army still in control just gives the people an illusion of winning most likely they are no better off.

And to whoever says I'm off my meds, you clearly have never done any research, didn't watch the video's I posted and believe whatever you're told. I don't blame you, it's hard to wrap your mind around.


Well-Known Member
Did anyone stop to realize that the Mayan's had no personal interest in keeping a calendar that far off into the future? The calendar covered 5,126 years as it was... AND there is no prediction of apocalypse, the calendar just ends... Others have made the prediction based on that fact alone and it's silly.

Gotta get past May 21, 2011 first :)


Well-Known Member
It's impossible to wrap my mind around your ridiculous conspiracy. You actually believe that the USA has the power to push a button and engage a tsunami or a record earthquake? This is not the hallucinatory substances forum.... Anything that could cause that big of a shift in the Earth's crust would leave a residue or signature if it was man made. It's easier to believe you are off your meds than it is to believe the crazy notion that you are putting forth.
Dude the first two videos are what 11 minutes combined or something like that which only requires a short attention span. You should watch them before calling bullshit on anything I say or you just end up looking stupid. You cannot argue about things without knowing what you are arguing against. You just assume because it sounds absurd that it must be, but clearly you don't know shit.

Watch the video's, then you can attempt to debunk things or debate the topic. Until then you're talking out your ass.


Well-Known Member
Did anyone stop to realize that the Mayan's had no personal interest in keeping a calendar that far off into the future? The calendar covered 5,126 years as it was... AND there is no prediction of apocalypse, the calendar just ends... Others have made the prediction based on that fact alone and it's silly.
He was joking... It should have been obvious he was joking.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
I was a bit high when i watched the news sotry but when i heard it being described as a "megathrust" quake i couldn't help laugh. How best to sensationalise a type of earthquake than with a hollywood thriller/sporno name like that :lol:


Well-Known Member
I just wasted about 8 minutes of my life on those stupid videos.... If we are able to trigger massive rainstorms and flooding, why not give ol Cali some rain when they have fires raging up the mountain side? The fact that you present these videos as proof, and not just something to think about, is laughable.

And before you get your panties all knotted up, it's only my opinion I'm stating, there is nothing personal for you to take out of this. I feel it's ridiculous, and I'm entitled to feel as though the idea is loony....


Well-Known Member
so these fucking nuts on here really believe some country(probably the US) can create a man made earthquake/tsunami?
That gotta be some of the craziest shit I read here.


Well-Known Member
Actually, the only speculating and wild theories i see is from you and the Libya conspiracy guy saying the USA caused the earthquake/tsunami :roll: lol...

Hell, Chernobyl was a complete meltdown, and while we took on radiation here in the US from continental drift, it wasn't sufficient. Keep in mind, a nuclear event or reaction, has not occurred. The US has already rushed over coolant and we are working directly with Japan and the IAEA to prevent a meltdown at either endangered facility.
First of all, Don't lump me in with someone else who is bringing up conspiracy theories.
Second, I was replying to another member who basically said "its japans problem".
and third,grow up and go roll your eyes at someone else.

The fact is, we are in uncharted waters right now, but you still seem pretty confident of yourself. It must be nice to have all the answers.


Well-Known Member

i have, in my brief existence, survived Y2K, The Conflicker Virus, 911, mad cow, the bird flu, the swine flu, the BIG FREEZE, foot and mouth, The Mellisa Worm, climate change, SARs, H5N1, Acid Rain, Killer Bees, Cern and the LHC, Heaven's Gate, Nostradamus, The Rapture (on six separate occasions), three Anti-Christs, several world splitting Cosmic/Planetary alignments, and varied comets and rather large and ominous rocks falling out of the sky to squish me...probably forgot some stuff too.

i don't care anymore...the universe obviously has some sort of personal grudge.
none of my concern.

i never even met any of these people everyone else says is having problems....i suspect they haven't either though....so whatever.


Well-Known Member
I hardly consider it unchartered, where you here for Chernobyl?

And as I stated, you were speculating, just like the guy speculating the USA caused the tsunami to take attention off of Libya... That is absurd speculation, and your speculation is feasible. The wild theory remark was reserved for the HAARP comments. Usually people that tell others to grow up have some severe shortcomings that they should attend to, rather than trying to fix someone else... If you are taking comments on a public internet forum personally, you might want to log off a bit....

First of all, Don't lump me in with someone else who is bringing up conspiracy theories.
Second, I was replying to another member who basically said "its japans problem".
and third,grow up and go roll your eyes at someone else.

The fact is, we are in uncharted waters right now, but you still seem pretty confident of yourself. It must be nice to have all the answers.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
I just wasted about 8 minutes of my life on those stupid videos.... If we are able to trigger massive rainstorms and flooding, why not give ol Cali some rain when they have fires raging up the mountain side? The fact that you present these videos as proof, and not just something to think about, is laughable.

And before you get your panties all knotted up, it's only my opinion I'm stating, there is nothing personal for you to take out of this. I feel it's ridiculous, and I'm entitled to feel as though the idea is loony....
So you've never heard of cloud seeding? One of the UK's worst floods which killed a couple of people was caused by military experiments.

Overnight, over 100 buildings were destroyed or seriously damaged along with 28 of the 31 bridges, and 38 cars were washed out to sea. In total, 34 people died, with a further 420 made homeless.
That just being one government made flood in one teeny tiny village. I'm not saying in any way that i agree (or disagree, i'm just me, i don't know secrets) with the notion the USA or any other governemnt caused this thing, but i am saying that governments do crazy shit at times.

Oh, and when you refere to Chernobyl, radiation, USA and continental drift, are you actually meaning continental drift? Confused me a bit


Well-Known Member
Aren't you a spoonfull of enlightenment this morning? ;) I'm merely making an anti conspiracy point... Do you believe 9-1-1 was an inside job as well?
No I believe 3 buildings went down that one day in a completely unheard of way exactly like a controlled demolition, even though one was never even touched by an airplane or jet fuel and had only minor damage to one corner.

And I don't believe this man who owned the buildings, when he said they gave the call to pull (demolishion term) it, and stood back and watched it come down:


Well-Known Member
I have heard of cloud seeding.... That is totally different than causing a record tsunami for the simple purpose of taking the media off of Libya. That claim is outrageous and it is senseless. I can see it know, ...

"Sir, we are taking a beating on the Republican polls about not taking sides in Libya"

"Don't they realize we are in two wars on arab soil already?"

"They don't care sir, it is after all an opportunity to deliver MORE freedom to the Arabs"

"I have an idea, can we kill thousands of people and cause a trillion dollars in damage, at the push of a button, and get the media off Libya?"

"I'm glad you asked sir........

Science fiction, plain and simple...

The Japanese even knew 30 seconds in advance that one was coming. They put out a national alert approximately 30 seconds before the big strike. hmmm.... maybe they caused to to take media attention off of Toyota recalls? ;) :roll:

So you've never heard of cloud seeding? One of the UK's worst floods which killed a couple of people was caused by military experiments.