So what if weed was LEGAL, would it be that great?


Well-Known Member
My thoughts on reefer being legalized is simply "nay". Wouldn't that take away a lot of the fun of getting high. I know I'd be saying the complete opposite if I was being busted, but seriously. Weed is funner being illegal, its funner picking up, its funner growing and its funner smoking weed when you know your not supposed to. Besides that, once its legalized the government will be making shit loads of tax dollars of weed, which they would spend cracking down on "bootleggers" of marijuana. AKA anyone who grows dope illegally now. Ask yourself, would it be better? I'm looking for some opposing opinions. PLEASE DISCUSS. Anyways, just a stoned thought. Peace


Well-Known Member
if i was a dealer and thats how i payed the bills... i wouldnt want it legal. but since thats not the case for me. i want it to be legal. its jst a recreational drug for me just like alcohol...


stays relevant.
i don't think it's fun at all that it's illegal... my time should not be wasted by the DEA because of pot.


New Member
My thoughts on reefer being legalized is simply "nay". Wouldn't that take away a lot of the fun of getting high. I know I'd be saying the complete opposite if I was being busted, but seriously. Weed is funner being illegal, its funner picking up, its funner growing and its funner smoking weed when you know your not supposed to. Besides that, once its legalized the government will be making shit loads of tax dollars of weed, which they would spend cracking down on "bootleggers" of marijuana. AKA anyone who grows dope illegally now. Ask yourself, would it be better? I'm looking for some opposing opinions. PLEASE DISCUSS. Anyways, just a stoned thought. Peace
This is probaly the most ignorant post I have ever seen. Without a doubt. This guy sounds like some 14 yr old that just smoked his first joint last week.. People getting put in jail for a plant that God gave to man isnt "fun" to me.. Maybe you like being locked up w/ "Bubba" but not me.. Wow I cant believe this post even after reading it 3 times.. Unbelievable..

My 2 cents ^


Well-Known Member
No, there's no fun at all to be had from pot being illegal. Also, if it were legal there would be absolutely no reason for it to be illegal to grow. You can make your own alcohol, tobacco or coffee, why should weed be any different?

green livin

Well-Known Member
the only reson i would not want weed legal is cuz tobbaco companies would try to capitalize on weed then we could go buy weed at 711 not that tht isnt grate but think of all the chemical tobbaco companies would put in it to make it addicting would ruine weedand then it wouldreally be a drug. me id just keep growing my own.


Well-Known Member
No, there's no fun at all to be had from pot being illegal. Also, if it were legal there would be absolutely no reason for it to be illegal to grow. You can make your own alcohol, tobacco or coffee, why should weed be any different?
it wasnt always that way, and you can only make your own beer and wine... its illegal to distill your own liquor

green livin

Well-Known Member
you acctualy cant make youre own alchohol legaly in the USA i showed my friend how to make moon shin and he got busted by the DEA for seeling moonshine hes in jail.


New Member
dont forget about some of your finer moments... :clap:

WTF DUDE? Im getting tired of your smart ass cracks man.. This makes the third time out of nowhere you have insulted me for no reason..Ive NEVER said anything remotely close to this stupid.. You sure did "flip" out of nowhere all of a sudden.. Iunno wtf happened to make you start wanting to talk shit to me but its not cool. I never said 1 gd thing out of the way to you.. Matter of fact, I thought we were really cool , not really friends, but similiar to "online buddies"..Esp after all the PM's weve sent to one another.. But w/e.. I dont realy care... Ive always been a loner anyway.. Mainly because everyone else is full of shit except me. At least when I talk to myself I know im not being lied to.. Two faced MF.. FTW

And the OP is dumber than a bag of rocks.


Well-Known Member
"Funner" :clap:

Are you fcking serious???

You're wrong

Hell yes it would be way "funner" if it was legal.

Losing my license for a year for simple possession was a lot "funner" than not being charged with anything...

Hiding everytime I want to get stoned is a lot "funner" than getting baked out in the open doing the thing I love to do...

Not being able to grow massive amounts of herb outside is much, much "funner" than worrying about a few plants that are well hidden, or spending thousands growing in a basement to hide even more...

If you can't tell, being sarcastic is a lot "funner" than just stating the truth...

Read a fucking book man.

old pothead

Well-Known Member
you acctualy cant make youre own alchohol legaly in the USA i showed my friend how to make moon shin and he got busted by the DEA for seeling moonshine hes in jail.
He should have gotten his tax stamp.You can make your own,you just have to be smart about it.

Even with pot being legilized many would still grow their own, because we can grow better pot than a tobacco company.There would still be a market for high grade pot no matter what.

To the original poster.Ask the 400,000 people being busted every year and the few who are killed because of raids on the wrong house,how much fun it is for them.You must have put alot of thought into that question,way to go_OPH :clap:


stays relevant.
WTF DUDE? Im getting tired of your smart ass cracks man.. Ive NEVER said anything remotely close to this stupid..
You sure have asked me to close a lot of your threads... :lol: You should take a look at some.

You sure did "flip" out of nowhere all of a sudden.
What do you mean flip? :lol:

Iunno wtf happened to make you start wanting to talk shit to me but its not cool. I never said 1 gd thing out of the way to you..
Wow... for someone who's talked so much crap on the forum, I kind of figured you'd have a thicker skin than to be so sensitive about me saying something as simple as "dont forget about some of your finer moments" :o

Matter of fact, I thought we were really cool , not really friends, but similiar..
Okay this is getting creepy :lol:

Esp after all the PM's weve sent to one another..
lol... if GWB was a member and had questions, I would help him... that's what I like to do, help people out... I'm sorry you felt like there was some sort of relationship going... :lol: I don't want to lead you on... I just like to help answer peoples questions...

But w/e.. I dont realy care... Ive always been a loner anyway.. Mainly because everyone else is full of shit except me.
Personally I believe if everyone is on your butt, it's not them, it's you... I've had a grip of people on my butt before, and whether or not I believed it then, I deserved it... "Everyone else is full of shit except me" -- probably one of the biggest 'full of shit' statements anyone could make. I don't mean to offend you, just reality.

At least when I talk to myself

Two faced MF..
You are coming off like I should have some bizarre loyalty to you like you're my boss or something... The fact is, no matter who you are- I will call you on your shit, because I'm real... Everyone else is fake except me. :lol:

Seriously... smoke some and chill out. I've seen you go off on more members in the past week than people who have joined...

Can someone PLEASE confirm that I'm not nuts in thinking that this is totally crazy?!


Active Member
"Funner" :clap:

Are you fcking serious???

You're wrong

Hell yes it would be way "funner" if it was legal.

Losing my license for a year for simple possession was a lot "funner" than not being charged with anything...

Hiding everytime I want to get stoned is a lot "funner" than getting baked out in the open doing the thing I love to do...

Not being able to grow massive amounts of herb outside is much, much "funner" than worrying about a few plants that are well hidden, or spending thousands growing in a basement to hide even more...

If you can't tell, being sarcastic is a lot "funner" than just stating the truth...

Read a fucking book man.

Well put :clap:


Well-Known Member
My thoughts on reefer being legalized is simply "nay". Wouldn't that take away a lot of the fun of getting high. I know I'd be saying the complete opposite if I was being busted, but seriously. Weed is funner being illegal, its funner picking up, its funner growing and its funner smoking weed when you know your not supposed to. Besides that, once its legalized the government will be making shit loads of tax dollars of weed, which they would spend cracking down on "bootleggers" of marijuana. AKA anyone who grows dope illegally now. Ask yourself, would it be better? I'm looking for some opposing opinions. PLEASE DISCUSS. Anyways, just a stoned thought. Peace
For one... If they tax it there is still going to be people selling it "underground"... More profit

For 2 weed will never be legal because it is a drug that can cause depression/laziness/addiction (just like alcohol). Alcohol may not be illegal but it is safer because its controlled.

For 3 underground organizations (i.e. criminals) make lots of money from smuggling/growing etc pot. IF we were to legalize MJ than those people would be out of a job, and then resort to more drastic measures (selling more coke/crack/heroin etc)

its still a drug that if it was to get into the wrong hands (at a readily available rate) it could cause great damage to this persons life. (think children). Mary Jane is a commodity, problem is its a very addictive one and people abuse it. it will never be legal to the average citzen. (the truth hurts)