So what if weed was LEGAL, would it be that great?


stays relevant.
screw you dude.. you have a serious problem.
Yeah, my problem is that I'm too nice to members, and then they think that they are going to get some special treatment... Well you did, you posted a lot of things you shouldn't have, you made a lot of people upset, and you have recieved a warning earlier this week. You JUST replied to your infraction with a bunch of "fuck you yada yada just ban me" nonsense.

Do you understand how much slack I've personally been cutting you? You've run out dude... I am more concerned with the satisfaction of the community than the member who wants to personally attack everyone.

If I have a serious problem, someone please tell me now :lol: - I think I've been very forgiving and patient seeing as how you're a new member.


stays relevant.
haha i dont give a fuck about yourt little "infraction" you just gave me you fucking dick.. BAN me MF!... If you dont then your a big fat pussy!!! Hear that? You think I give a flying fuck? You power tripping little fucvking kid...Get a fucking life dude.. Now eithewr ban me or stfu.. I dont give a fuck.. This place is full of retards anyway.. fucking jerkoff. Its the ghetto of fucking weed sites anyway.. NO fucking body comes here until they are banned form all the other decent sites w/ NORMAL ppl with common sense .. Thats why this mf site is so full of fuckers like you,,So ban me.. Think Im gonna fucking cry? You have no power over me you gd faggot.This site means about as much to me as a pimple on my fucking ass.. Eat a fucking dick .. Ban me already you fucking pussy. I sure as fuck aint gonna cry you cocksucker ..
Another shining moment from justatoker. Emotional, psychopathic, ignorant.

You know... I think I might just ban you, because if this is how you're going to behave, you should go... this community deserves better than you... and I think we've all heard enough from "justatoker"


Well-Known Member
... dude... quit taking wat he does to heart... u know your basically just talking to a computer lol... on the other side of things... growtech.. uve been kinda a smartass yourselft.. but its watever lol... ban him..not ban him... i dont really care my .02


Well-Known Member
haha i dont give a fuck about yourt little "infraction" you just gave me you fucking dick.. BAN me MF!... If you dont then your a big fat pussy!!! Hear that? You think I give a flying fuck? You power tripping little fucvking kid...Get a fucking life dude.. Now eithewr ban me or stfu.. I dont give a fuck.. This place is full of retards anyway.. fucking jerkoff. Its the ghetto of fucking weed sites anyway.. NO fucking body comes here until they are banned form all the other decent sites w/ NORMAL ppl with common sense .. Thats why this mf site is so full of fuckers like you,,So ban me.. Think Im gonna fucking cry? You have no power over me you gd faggot.This site means about as much to me as a pimple on my fucking ass.. Eat a fucking dick .. Ban me already you fucking pussy. I sure as fuck aint gonna cry you cocksucker ..
Dude you have no balls... And your not a man for saying those things to Growtech. ITs the fucking internet man, theres a given freedom to say whatever you want but you are still govern'd upon what you say.

Seriously dude grow up


whats wrong bitch? got now power? gotta go ask "the man" to ban me?

punk ass lil bitch.. Just fucking ban me already you gd asshat! wtf are you waiting on?

you need to cool down... so you get a one day ban... while we wait on "the man's" decision


stays relevant.
... dude... quit taking wat he does to heart... u know your basically just talking to a computer lol... on the other side of things... growtech.. uve been kinda a smartass yourselft.. but its watever lol... ban him..not ban him... i dont really care my .02
Like I said before, I've said stupid shit before- but I've never even wandered near the territory that justatoker is living in. I also know how to phrase things for them to be legit... :)


Well-Known Member
You shouldn't ban him. You should find a way to where he can only make one post a day. That would drive him crazy. I swear I always thought potheads were mellow.


stays relevant.
you need to cool down... so you get a one day ban... while we wait on "the man's" decision

I was going to provide a more permanent solution, but on the other hand- I'm pretty forgiving and understand some people just have serious emotional issues.

Hopefully he can get a grip, because does not need that kind of nonsense... Smoking extra because people burn you out is a waste of weed.


Well-Known Member
i like how he says the site doesnt mean anything to him... but his activity is over 80%..
doesnt make sense to me


Well-Known Member
You shouldn't ban him. You should find a way to where he can only make one post a day. That would drive him crazy. I swear I always thought potheads were mellow.
Depression can do wonders to a calm persons mind ... This dude is definetly depressed

...I say ban him becaus ehe obviously has no self control and has no concern for anyone else on this forum... I mean he is bad mouthing a staff member :o

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
OK then!Back to the, I don't think it's "funner" to have to hide my pot smoking like it's something to be ashamed of.No I don't think it's "funner" that the only thing that actually works for my depression is illegal,yet I have to take pills my doctor gives me that turn me into an emotionless automaton.I don't have a criminal record at all, but if I am caught with weed, I can lose everything.How is that fun?


I was going to provide a more permanent solution, but on the other hand- I'm pretty forgiving and understand some people just have serious emotional issues.

Hopefully he can get a grip, because does not need that kind of nonsense... Smoking extra because people burn you out is a waste of weed.

just wanted it to stop for now... he can have another shot in 24hrs... now lets clean this thread up, put it back on topic... :-P


Well-Known Member
oops this would be what made me laugh
This is probaly the most ignorant post I have ever seen. Without a doubt. This guy sounds like some 14 yr old that just smoked his first joint last week.. People getting put in jail for a plant that God gave to man isnt "fun" to me.. Maybe you like being locked up w/ "Bubba" but not me.. Wow I cant believe this post even after reading it 3 times.. Unbelievable..

My 2 cents ^
for justatoker, you have a lot of anger, hit the bong maybe? Don't hate on me, hate on the subject that i have put infront of you. this post was obviously good enough to get you to waste a moment or two.