So What Is Everyone Smoking?

Right now at this very moment I'm looking at a righteous pipe load stuffed with Super Silver Haze with a shmear of Banana Kush Budder on top. Been working on it over an hour now. It's half done and I'm more than half-baked.
Hang in there bro! I have a buddy in Argentina and he is having the same problems. If you have some nice homegrown white widow tho I'm sure that'll make ya one of the most popular guys to chill with in Brazil! haha

One tip I could give you as someone who has done a lot of research on strains and which ones do well in certain hemispheres, if you are growing OUTDOORS I would definetely recommend growing an equatorial sativa in your climate. With the white widow, you are getting a stout indica that does better in some of the cooler climates in the northern hemisphere. Being so close to the equator you'll find sativas like a Kali Myst or Sour Diesel, for example, to do much better. If you are planning to do the widow INDOORS, then it's no problem as you are in complete control of it's enviornment if you install the right equipment. Make sure you have all the proper cooling & ventilation if you are going indoor! I can only imagine how hot a room down there could get without...

Best of luck!

Shit only saw this post now, sorry!

Yeah things get pretty sad here in Brazil if you are buying weed, and if you want quality stuff, you deffinately pay for it! Fucking expensive!
Yeah I am doing an indoor grow, as I am growing in an appartment and there is no way to do outdoor, and I have no doubt in my mind that if I did manage to do outdoor here, someone would steal it!
Where I live in Brazil though (the south) it is quite cool, in summer gets up to about 30 - 32 degrees celsius, about 80 - 85 farenheit I guess, so t's not actually too bad growing here, in fact a lot of the time it's perfect! It can get quite humid from time to time though!

Thanks for that insight though man, I will be taking that into consideration next time I buy some seeds! Sour Diesel has been on my to do list for a while, it sounds like a nice one!

I am so freaking crazy to get some smokeable dank bud, i'm going nuts!
Thanks for the advice though bro +rep!
im smoking a force dried budd from my arjans haze wich i choppd yestaday cos im pretty sure the plant gone lame on me, tases like hay, gets me stoned tho!!

jus hope o shit the clones i took dont go the same way!!
i don't guys buy the shit? WTF? isn't this a site for growers? i only smoke what i grow and what i trade with other growers. i've not been to a collective other than to drop off my shit...guess some of the collective members are here smoking my shit!
Odd, for being a pot growing forum you guys sure "pick up" a lot of weed.yeah what he said up there
euphoria unlimited, white widow, big bud and og kush here, I like a variety.
I do go to this one dispensary for sour d hash but other than that I haven't bought bud at a dispensary since my first harvest and I intend to harvest again before I'm dry.
Fuck these uppity dispensaries with their over-inflated prices.