So What Is Everyone Smoking?


Active Member
nothing at the moment because i cant seem to score none.

the green-o-matic is getting put into darkness on wednesday and chopped on thursday, so in 3 weeks il have a nice smoke


Well-Known Member
thats a leaf and stem sir..J/K. i am smoking on good 'ol shit. tastes awesome, smells great, dont get u high for shit. good thing it was free...but now i see y my buddy wantd to give it away so bad,


Well-Known Member
just harvested Violator Kush...had to speed-dry alittle bit to have something to smoke...pretty good...i'm stoned

Mazar i Shariff

Active Member
2 weeks ago smoked on some dannnnnnnnk 'HEADBAND' for the first time ever. Heard lots of hype about it up until now, which I think made me more of a critic. However, once my buddy broke out his jar I was like, is that Sour Diesel? He doesn't know much about genetics and was like nah it's headband. So not remembering the genetics, I did some research when I got home and found it is 'Chemdawg's OG Kush x Master Kush x Sour Diesel'. Made sense as to why I smelled SourD, and DAMN, did that OG & Master add some amazing genetics. It took the large, lanky, fluffy sour diesel buds you usually get and turned it more into smaller, tighter, denser nugs with a bit more of an indica high than what you get with the typical SourD (which ends up being an intense, but quick energetic head high, leaving you back to baseline within a couple hours, whereas the HEADBAND lasted another hour or so before needing to smoke again. Flavor is INCREDIBLE! This strain has made my Top 10 Favorites (Tied with the Original SourD, can't decide which is better. I'd need em side by side).

Bump if you are smoking on headband or have in the past & love it!

Mazar i Shariff

Active Member
I'm smoking some Raspberry Kush I grabbed last week ... Don't know much about these genetics, but it's a great smoke! Not as sweet as I thought a berry strain would be, but I guess if you compare it to an actual raspberry it does kinda have that "tart", strong smoke & aftertaste. It could have been that it wasn't flushed long enough, but this guy typically knows what he's doing.

Last time I need to grab medicine from another again, as my outdoor harvest is finally at it's end, and I cut a few White Widow top colas in an effort to multi-harvest her and allow the lower growth to develop more. I just blazed a bowl of it and it's pretty damn awesome. Def more of a narcotic body high. mmmmm organic bud is so tasty! It's only been drying for 5 days now, so I can only imagine how great it's gonna be after I toss it in jars tomorrow =)


Active Member
il be smoking the headband on monday :D im looking out for kandy kush, kandy haze and raspberry kush


just picked up 2 O's of kandy kush, and a half of maple leaf. that maple is cool looking stuff when it's growing, would be great for outdoors.


Well-Known Member
got about 2 g of QWISO oil and some Platinum Kush left, need to make more edibles so I can get more bud :)


New Member
I've had two bowls of trainwreck and 6 two-shot screwdrivers + pancakes for breakfast. It took me a long time to type this sentence and make sure the only red line was under trainwreck.