So what was your first kiss like?

I remember a whole bunch of them at a New Years Eve party circa 1967.

Certainly changed my priorities going forward. ;-)

"Little Tramp, you.."
My sisters older friend, don't know how old I was but I gave her a ride on my first quad out to a quarry. She had a cotton candy bubblegum lollipop (it was blue) and I grabbed her bum she actually kissed me I was just kinda along for the ride. I really remember more about that butt and how the lollipop tasted than anything else. Even to this day I'm not really huge into kissing it's just kinda a strange thing to do, but if that's what they like the I aim to please.

My sisters older friend, don't know how old I was but I gave her a ride on my first quad out to a quarry. She had a cotton candy bubblegum lollipop (it was blue) and I grabbed her bum she actually kissed me I was just kinda along for the ride. I really remember more about that butt and how the lollipop tasted than anything else. Even to this day I'm not really huge into kissing it's just kinda a strange thing to do, but if that's what they like the I aim to please.

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How can you not be into kissing? Don't mean that as criticism (even though it sounds like calling you out, I'm not) but that sounds so foreign.. Is it just gross to you or are you just a cut to the chase type of guy? In all seriousness. I've not heard of this.
Lol I don't remember my first kiss, but I remember my last, she was running late for work so it was kinda fast but sweet. If I knew what was going to happen, I would have held on a bit longer..

Sorry guys had to vent somewhere.
Doesn't sound like a happy ending, bummer hope it's better
Spin tbe bottle i was 12 and it was my turn yes it was the nabor girl she stuck her tongue in my mouth i wasnt shure what happend but it was sweat as bubble gum dam it was bubble gum! She continued to come over and play atari she tought me all kinds of kissing but she didnt play with the atari she played with a different joy stick i wasnt shure but i really liked her company.. no lie i took my daughter out to the fair with her best friend the mom came along she asked me were i was from? I sead Pomona she sead Pomona? Ya? She sead Pomona im from Pomona. She ask were i sead Wisconsin she sead Wisconsin st? I looked her dead in the eyes What the Fuck!#! Looked nothing like her !small world man thats all i gota say man!!! Ow man am i going into story time again!!