So what you think harvest time?


IMG-20121010-10274.jpgIMG-20121010-10275.jpgIMG-20121010-10283.jpgIMG-20121010-10287.jpgIMG-20121010-10288.jpgthinking of taking her down this weekend what do you think?i dont have a scope and im broke till next weekend been using my phone and zooming in and suggestion other than buy a scope?


no i am not its growing from a eggshell using that to hold up the plant is getting heavy and leaning its growing in the ground


Well-Known Member
Good Job dude, my first year I didn't get a whole lot either. At least though you'll know a lil more next year and you'll easily get 100x as much as what you have this year.


thanks man i was thinking the same thing plus i wanted to make sure it could grow there cause there wasn't a lot of sun in that spot but next year i have more cause this time i know what i am doing and ill get more good seeds


Well-Known Member
Given the size, and its appearance. It looks like you may have another 1.5 months to go at minimum, and greater due to non-ideal enviornment controls. Some of the challenges outside of planter size, it seems insufficient lighting and inconsistent watering, by the stetch and clustering of leaves. Some strains may look like this, particularly SFV or some Diesels. They will be light on stem/leaf growth initially, and grow an abundance of branches and leaves in during flower.

Initially, I was thinking this was a re-plant of a broken branch. You can still salvage this plant for next grow, by letting it go through a cycle. I've taken broken branches and re-planted, added N, and 18+ day light to re-veg.


Well-Known Member
Yeah I would also say you still have some time to go yet at least 3-4 weeks min. Most strains need a good 2 months to completely flower. Very healthy little plant. I hope it is not going to get cold soon in NY but I bet the leaves are changing and fall is on the way. You may not have enough time to finish before it gets too cold.


thanks miss pawnworth i will get pictures of the whole plant so you can see more just took close up to see if it done