So whats would happen in the UK?


Active Member
I think we just lost the war dude! But we will keep on fighting!! or was that growing lol!!

So you really reckon they would send you down? thats pretty gay!

mr west

Well-Known Member
then You wont get jail dude, They aint got room for the pedos and rapeists how they gonna find room for ppl with medical conditions?


Well-Known Member
well lets put it this way thay are running out of space to put people. and what make it all funny is the fact that we dont go out and heart people we just sit in our little houses telling are plants to grow big and strong where as the people than drink reguarly cost the gov alot of cash. and aggrow. ( yes i cant spell i know )

mr west

Well-Known Member
I was cought with benifit over payment and they let me off cuz of my condition, All i gotta do is pay back the 30,000 pound out of my benifit lol. Its 27.00 pound a week for the rest of my days hahahaha


Well-Known Member
well lets put it this way thay are running out of space to put people. and what make it all funny is the fact that we dont go out and heart people we just sit in our little houses telling are plants to grow big and strong where as the people than drink reguarly cost the gov alot of cash. and aggrow. ( yes i cant spell i know )
right on. +rep


Active Member
lmao! so basically keep on going cause they cant come in your house, thermal your house or put you inside cause theres no room at the inn!!

Youl probabaly get a 6 month tag or community service i reckon!


Well-Known Member
one more time for everyone, reclassification will not happen, i have it from a good source, the only argument that there is that marijuana is stronger than what it was in the 70's, what a great argument to impose millions upons millions of pounds worth of legislation, at taxpayers exspense no doubt.

mr west

Well-Known Member
If it will win vote tho the political parties will spend untold amounts on wot ever they want


Active Member
Ye from the home office:
Cannabis classification

Basic information about the classification of cannabis, and penalties for possession.
The Home Secretary has recommended that cannabis should be reclassified to a Class B drug.
The decision reflects the fact that skunk, a much stronger version of the drug, now dominates the UK's cannabis market.
Skunk has swept other, less potent, forms of cannabis off the market, and now accounts for 81% of cannabis available on our streets, compared to just 30% in 2002.

Ye not happend yet!!

And yes how can you get MS or even fake it! lol!

mr west

Well-Known Member
its some thing u either aquiere or u dont if ur older than 30 then u prob wont get it. Its a deseese of the central nevouse system. Basicly ur body attacks the coating on ur nerves and this can stop messeges from ur brain getting to other prts of ya body. I wouldnt wish it on my worst enemy. I was diagnosed wen i was 19, 16 years ago. I havent worked for bout ten years, Living on welfare sucks, but wot can u do?
google multiple sclerosis if ur intrested.


Well-Known Member
a reccomendation from the home secretary will not be enough, he needs the support of the majority, which he does not

mr west

Well-Known Member
ms is a nurological ill ness that attacks ur cenral nervouse system. Google Multiple Sclerosis if ur intrested. Ive had it since i was 19, 16 years ago and i wouldnt wish it on my worst enemy.


Active Member
its some thing u either aquiere or u dont if ur older than 30 then u prob wont get it. Its a deseese of the central nevouse system. Basicly ur body attacks the coating on ur nerves and this can stop messeges from ur brain getting to other prts of ya body. I wouldnt wish it on my worst enemy. I was diagnosed wen i was 19, 16 years ago. I havent worked for bout ten years, Living on welfare sucks, but wot can u do?
google multiple sclerosis if ur intrested.

Sorry to hear that dude! didnt mean to offend if caused! :peace:

mr west

Well-Known Member
nah mate i dunt give a flying fiddle bout it. Ive had a few years to get used to it and as far as it could go i have been very lucky. Im blaming my good run with ms on cannabis Ive smoked every day pretty much for 16 years and never had a real bad attack, touch wood.

mr west

Well-Known Member
oh apart from losing the use of the od thing like an eye or a leg but it copmes back eventualy lol.

mr west

Well-Known Member
i only startedgrowing in december lol my first grow was white widow and 3 bag seed. my second was diesel lowryders and bubblicious and i just planted some satori safari ppp skunk g force and white widow lol