So Where To Set Up Shop?


Well-Known Member
So say a guy wanted to settle down in a place with plenty of readily available timber to build things out of, relatively decent weather and growing seasons for plants and animals, and limited to no government control or unwelcome authority figures, where would the best place like that be?
ALASKA bro grow indoors and take care of your animals thru the winter but there is no better place on earth than here to live.
I've lived in Costa Rica for 8 years now. I travel a lot for work so I'm only there about 6-8 months out of the year but it fucking ROCKS!! Latin women are great, cops don't bother you, anyone can grow if you are stealthy about it, weather is fantastic, and if you are on a budget you can live a very comfortable life on $1500 a month. I'm talking going out to eat, entertainment, travel, nice house, maid, etc.. Plus you are only 2 hours from Miami by plane and they have everything here you would need. It's cool.
ahh, you want a hacienda in latin america

Stay away from Nicaragua (worst investment I ever made), mainland Honduras (the Bay Islands are nice), Guatemala, Belize, Mexico, Colombia, Brazil, Bolivia, and Venezuela.

Panama, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Chile, Peru, Argentina are all good.
Stay away from Nicaragua (worst investment I ever made), mainland Honduras (the Bay Islands are nice), Guatemala, Belize, Mexico, Colombia, Brazil, Bolivia, and Venezuela.

Panama, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Chile, Peru, Argentina are all good.

what was the issue with Nicaragua?

i was thinking of chucking it all in and buying my own island on the caribbean side. i hear it's now (on east side) very stable.
I live in FL which has enough hurricanes so instead of moving to the tropics I would move to either Canada, Washington, Peru, or Alaska(even though I was born there).
what was the issue with Nicaragua?

i was thinking of chucking it all in and buying my own island on the caribbean side. i hear it's now (on east side) very stable.

It's a very unstable government. They are currently have civil unrest in the country and are trying to start shit with Costa Rica over nothing. They have troops stationed on their border even though there is NO armed forces in Costa Rica. The economy is so bad that it is VERY unsafe there especially for foreigners. I have an armed escort whenever we go up there and it's business only. I own a farm there outside of San Juan del Sur.
Stay away from Nicaragua (worst investment I ever made), mainland Honduras (the Bay Islands are nice), Guatemala, Belize, Mexico, Colombia, Brazil, Bolivia, and Venezuela.

Panama, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Chile, Peru, Argentina are all good.

*Nod* And right off the coast of Venezuela is oil goldmine Trinidad. We are building a house up a mountain with a waterfall, the river, scenic views and the snakes are even friendly.
Just how friendly? cn
*like* Yes, that friendly. I'll ask my mama if she'll send me the picture of her holding a boa by the house so I can post it.