So who here is growing in true organic living soil?

actually that last post combined with the doob i smoked right afterwards turned into an idea!

organize! its a way we can beat back prairie plant and keep us protected. GregS has I'm sure been a big inspiration behind this as has Theman and all you other active people planting seeds in my psyche.

A UNION! make it extremely hard to become a member, inspections, testing, dues, all kinds of hoops. once a member you would have to maintain tests on every batch from multiple testing sites. keeping up to this standard would allow your medicine to hold a certain "Confidence" remember how union tradesman used to act? "Pshhh want me to do this deck?? $200 an hour!" we can be that way with our meds if we have the backing to prove it is worth what we say it is.

Now for GregS's contribution, set up "Union halls" or whatever you wanna call em and have union only compassion clubs. you need to maintain your status in the union to be able to vend. open to any patient who wants to come get premium.

if we were able to pull enough together we could get some serious Strength. hire lawyers. get laws corrected... idk.... maybe i just smoked to much but i think it could work!
and mind you I'm not saying to set up a $400 dollar an ounce get rich compassion club set up, the cost will directly reflect the amount of backing. testing costs. actual clean room costs. some will be able to still maintain a lower cost obviously by taking advantage of certain growing techniques and I'm sure their costs will reflect this as well.

just a big ole honest, ya get what ya pay for club basically. thats how the union used to work. if you paid a union company in 1999 to do a job it got done better then you could of ever expected. their was just this trust with union work. "THAT GUY KNOWS WHAT HES DOING!" ya know? and you didn't mind paying for it most of the time.
I think it is a great idea, I would gladly get mine tested. I had my Pinconning Paralyzer tested last year.

We need to have patient to patient sales made legal and this union/club.
Yo, i just find a place with horse poo, think i should add that to the mix?
I cant believe i went through that much soil, i really need to make some more.
My room is completely full and i still have 6 plants to put in it, still going to be awhile but this is very exciting.
good ideas.

reminds me part of why i, at times, enjoy stopping by riu.
laughter is one key to a successful life. :cool:

T'is true. And according to the Okinawan's having one drink every day, having sex *at least* twice a week, eating until you're only 80% full, and gardening are other keys to long happy lives.

RIU allows me to check a few of those items off my list. We're rapping about gardening, I usually get a good chuckle, and I have this urge to have a stiff drink every time I log in. :-)
Abe- Look at St0w for shitsakes. The guy's a guru in his own right now.

To the Dr Pepper song:

Wouldn't you like to be a guru, too?
so how young can i plant a seedling into some soil? i got some young ins that are only just starting to push its first set of 3 bladed leaves. i just planted a freebie i have to test it out. too young?
Looking for a specific process for getting N inoculated into bio char. Step by step, amounts, times, etc...anyone have this? You can assume that I have alfalfa meal, store-bought worm castings, urine and non-kingsford charcoal handy.


I am/will be a ROLS convert, coming over from years of Supersoil. Can't wait to start a worm bin, bokashi bucket, etc.


Month old? Should be good for 2 week olds, maybe. There's always the chance of that piece of hot material that didn't get composted... So I like to wait.

If really well (thoroughly) cooked it would be fine, though
CW, nice to have you on board. You can take anything green, add to water and char. So like a big bag of Cowboy charcoal crunched down to 1/4" pieces (whew...) might be added to a couple 5 gallon pails, cover with water, add maybe a cup of Alphalfa feed or kelp. Leave for 2-3 days. Maybe have a bubbler going in there to keep Mr. Stink away (anaerobic).

That's likely a lot more N source than needed, but I've never seen exact titration studies on this, so I'd be on the safe side and use a lotta N. Worst case is the Biochar is 100% N-loaded and you toss away the leftover high-N water. Be careful what you do with that stuff...Will burn a plant.
Month old? Should be good for 2 week olds, maybe. There's always the chance of that piece of hot material that didn't get composted... So I like to wait.

If really well (thoroughly) cooked it would be fine, though

i found a couple lumps of worm castings but nothing major. it felt nice a fluffy down on the inside too. LOTS of fucking gnats but i just got some gnatrol that should do the trick for them.

tester plants seems happy too. I've been checking it every few minutes lol
Sounds good. Do you have any Neem or crab shell? Any BTI dunks at the local hardware store? I like to start a soil with all that. Plus nematodes. We need someone to grow and sell this stuff in MI...
i soaked 2 crushed up dunks in a 2 gallon jug of RO for 3 days before dumping it all over the pile about a week ago, i figure thats a good start down the BTI road.

and I've been using great white with decent success but the pile in the basement is getting overrun, great white has B vitamins and other stuff that i wanna keep away from this first batch of dirt, I'm still too Organic Nub to really know. someone i know bought a thing of gnatrol and only used a bit and sold me the rest for $10 bucks so i figured might as well rock it out!

rrog I've seen you speak on b vitamins a little bit, whats your thoughts? yay nay? veg? bloom?