So who here is growing in true organic living soil?


Well-Known Member
Alfalfa meal, kelp meal, bone meal, fish meal,small amount of "marine cuisine, worm castings, the shrimp shells, and some added beneficials looks like all I will be able to get this time. Will have to add the other stuff as funds allow.


Well-Known Member
Alfalfa meal, kelp meal, bone meal, fish meal,small amount of "marine cuisine, worm castings, the shrimp shells, and some added beneficials looks like all I will be able to get this time. Will have to add the other stuff as funds allow.
Make sure to check that bone meal isn't steamed. If it is, you can substitute with fish bone meal.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the tip q. Unfortunately everything is mixed so whatever kind it is, it is in there now....
Roger that.

How about giving the manufacturer a shout, see if they can tell you. That way if you have any trouble down the road (or even if you don't) you know what kind of bone meal you used. And you can report back to us in the future :)

If you would like, pass along the name and I'll call them.


Well-Known Member
True Living Organics.
This is by The Rev, editor and writer for Skunk Magazine.
I have been wanting to switch to true organic growing. Fuck subcool and his soil as far as I am concerned.
I have been reading this book, between finishing work and passing out at night. Last night it really started to come together for me. The list of amendments needed is long. But I will get them all. I thought I would be further by now, but I always think that. I just keep working everyday, and figure everything will come together.
Here is a few pics of my new room this morning. I've been working my ass off on this one.
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Well-Known Member
Been doin this TLO shit for abput a year now.

My soil is 1/2 ProMix HP

1/2 Lamberts organic garden soil
20% Mushroom compost
1 cup of Steamed domestic bone meal
1 cup of soil acidifer
1 cup of alfalfa meal
1 cup of cottenseed meal
Then I make a tea to wet the soil
5 gal of R/O water
ZHO 1 tablespoon
mykos 1 tablspoon
2 ozs of molasses

Dope tastes great and has a wonderful smell.


Well-Known Member
lol, equal quantities of A+B throughout the grow schedule is hard ?, they even attach a measuring cup to the top of the bottle lid for your convenience
i admire you soil and organic growers, you make something that is so simple seem so difficult

i once see a dirty bastard soil grower with maggots on his plants, i guess that is just a reflection on him and not organics itself, i guess i am just not ready to get my hands dirty with organics
how do you folk get over this aspect of organics being blood piss shit etc etc, were you all raised on farms or something , maybe i am just too squeamish lol

peace :)
Well I guess you will have to smoke some TLO dope to find out.

Maybe you should read a bit more about TLO and try one plant for yourself.


Well-Known Member
I see you use the zho also hemlock. Only been maybe four days since I added water to the mix and already got a web forming on top. Gonna have to do a redo on my lacto though, still no "serum". I think I didn't wait long enough for my stinky stuff to form in the beginning.


Well-Known Member
I see you use the zho also hemlock. Only been maybe four days since I added water to the mix and already got a web forming on top. Gonna have to do a redo on my lacto though, still no "serum". I think I didn't wait long enough for my stinky stuff to form in the beginning.
aye lad, ZHO is the bomb. just took some males down and the roots were white white white and just busting outta the pot.

Forgot to add General Organics Ancient forest. I put 1 small handful of ancient forest per 5 gallons of tea. I like to wait till it smells earthy.


Well-Known Member
You're doing great planning IMO. The more I understand the microbes and soil medium interactions, the more I strive to simplify the whole grow process.

After I move I'll be setting up a no-till where I will not even turn over the soil. Just chop one plant off at the base, make a slot, and plant the next seed. I have done some pails with a clover cover crop. Shoves N into the soil for me. If these is a live plant like clover or a new seedling, the already highly-established microlife will devour the last plant's root system. I'll just keep watering as per normal.

Shit just fascinates me.


Well-Known Member
I guess what I have going this time is more "supersoil" ish, and less TLO. But t is webbing up nicely anyhow. The no-till is my goal at some point, really caught my eye. New ricewater mix sitting (longer this time).Re-acquired the grape-goo also.


Well-Known Member
The no-till is the shit for me. Total control to the plant and microbes. I would just top dress. Occasional tea. But let's get real, girls. You stop buying soil. This becomes ... wait for it...wait.. dirt cheap.


Well-Known Member
I am going to try this place out later, once I figure out exactly what all i need.
It was recommended in the True Living Organics book for many items.
I just briefly glance it over.
I usually buy all that shit from Amazon, but Amazon fucks you on shipping.
or they let other companies fuck you on shipping, either way I'm gonna try this place out.
The book says american agriculture has free shipping. I had $90 order, they wanted $45 shipping. I checked both these places out and shipping is crazy on both of the them. I will call them tomorrow. I have found this all the boxed nutrients. After all my whining it looks like several more hydro shops are opening up in the central UP. I think I will be wiser to see if any of them are interested in carrying all this shit.


Well-Known Member
I am making big progress in the organic goods collecting.
I have orders coming from Amazon &
Things I still need: dolomite lime (prilled/pellet. I have powdered already)
steer manure. Azomite (granular, I have powdered already)
organic rice, and mulch.
Then I need to fix my RO filter.

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