So why do we care who grows?


Well-Known Member
Let me begin by stating that i do not agree with ANYONE growing in a house without permission of the person who pays the bills...

That being said why does this site care if people are under 18?
i read all the time about how "so and so" is under age and needs to get banned, or got banned, ive even seen "please ban me im under age"

i was just stoned, thinking that i grew weed outdoor when i was 14 (nasty seedy tiny buds!)...and started smoking it at 12....

why are they not welcome here...i mean "you cant do it, but i can" just sounds like my step dad!

....and we are on the internet here

I am not asking for a change in policy just a reason/debate.



Active Member
Unfortunately, in our current society it has become all about liability. In order for us to enjoy the web site and the company of people who have the same interests there are certain safeguards that have to be put in place, and one is to raise the question of age and who is a minor, and put the liability on the person answering the question. Not sure if it is possible or not to have the web site shut down, but with our current administration in the White House it would not surprise me at all if it were possible.


Well-Known Member
dont quote me, but maybe the same reason you have to click the I AM OVER 18 button when looking at porn.... who cares, just dont tell anyone that your younger and you shouldnt have a problem. like when i was 15 and wanted to rub one out i would lie and click the button saying i was older. its probably just a legal thing. to protect the website from getting sued because of minors doing stupid shit and saying they got it from RUI.... idk, just my uneducated guess. i would also like to know myself, even though i am over 18...


Well-Known Member
Well, alcohol and general legal tobacco are two reasons which come to mind.

Should we let some kid who is 14 onto a homebrew bbs so he can cook his/her own mash and ferment his/her own beer? Should we allow children to get behind the wheel of a car and drive across country only at the tender age of 14? Come on man, we might be on the internet, but from what you're saying it's a ok for kids to look at porn all day since 'this is the internet.' We should also allow children into adult book stores. Good, grief. :roll:


Well-Known Member
Thats the point ... the real reason...
i guess liability is a concern...even though im not sure the risk is great...
i guess ppl get tired of answering
"how do i grow in my toybox"


Well-Known Member
Well, alcohol and general legal tobacco are two reasons which come to mind.

Should we let some kid who is 14 onto a homebrew bbs so he can cook his/her own mash and ferment his/her own beer? Should we allow children to get behind the wheel of a car and drive across country only at the tender age of 14? Come on man, we might be on the internet, but from what you're saying it's a ok for kids to look at porn all day since 'this is the internet.' We should also allow children into adult book stores. Good, grief. :roll:
i can respect the conservative view to a certain one said anything about driving across country or about driving at all.

i think that teaching young people a way of using mind altering substances when they first find interest instead of sending them out into the street to cop from dealers may be a better option.

and what is wrong with knowing about sex? we should be more open about teaching safety over abstinance! I looked at a ton of porn on my moms 486
when it would take 5 min to load a page! and thank god! at least i had a clue when i finally got the chance to experience it for myself

either way this is about WEED


Well-Known Member
Well, alcohol and general legal tobacco are two reasons which come to mind.

Should we let some kid who is 14 onto a homebrew bbs so he can cook his/her own mash and ferment his/her own beer? Should we allow children to get behind the wheel of a car and drive across country only at the tender age of 14? Come on man, we might be on the internet, but from what you're saying it's a ok for kids to look at porn all day since 'this is the internet.' We should also allow children into adult book stores. Good, grief. :roll:
ill take it that was directed toward me? if so then here's my rebuttal. first of all, kids will go through great lengths to appease their curiosities. if a 17 year old wants to masturbate to some porn and look at dirty pics on the internet who cares, its natural. i believe its the parents job to inform their kids about all the temptations/peer pressure that they encounter as they grow up, also inform them of the repercussions that my happen after they do these grow up things. idk why im arguing this actually. it doesnt effect me one bit. but minors will go through great lengths to do/learn what they want, and all i was saying is that "RUI says you have to be over 18 for legal matters"... any minor that doesnt have restricted internet and wants to know about pot isnt goign to say that he's a minor. is there anyway to regulate that? anyways, im done with my rant.... peace:peace:


you know i have not once seen or heard of anyone saying "this person needs to be banned because they are underaged".. not even once.. when i joined this community i didnt have to click on anything that asked me if i was 18!! so i dont know where this thread is comming from.. doesnt seem to be a problem at all.. in fact i am subscribed to three journals right now, and i know for a fact the growers are still in highschool!!

i would definatly discourage any child or teenager from smoking buds.. to be honest with you i didnt start smoking untill i turned 20... but i would never tell anyone they are unwelcome here!!


Well-Known Member
well said jake, well said. but i think when you signed up it said that you have to be over 18 and not involved with the government or something...


Well-Known Member
IDK im a noob but i see lots of post where people ask "are you even 18" or people are disrespectful because of the other persons youth. this is also what im talking no expert on RIU's policy thats kinda why i sarted this thread. Plus im sure there are plenty of kids growing dank that know more than me!
thanks for the reply!


Well-Known Member
Im sure that the liability of rollitup for helping under age people is a big concern of the administration here but i gotta hope that good ole common sense & caring about peoples welfare has something to do with their decision to limit users to 18 & above.

I think most of us here started toking early but thats not the issue,a 12 or 14 year old kid is just plain stupid,not meant to be offensive but they are all stupid,careless,ignorant,impatient & dangerous, to themselves & others around them.

Who here would feel good about helping a 13 year old kid who's main concern is not saftey but stealth,so he piles a shitload of clothes on top of his shoe box stuffed with a 100 watt lightbulb in his closet,then starts a fire & destroy's his/her entire family's home,or worse gets people killed like small infants,these people do not have a choice.

From what ive seen on this site there are a lot of little boy's with big dreams of huge buds,they come up with all kind of dangerous shit like cutting a lamp cord in half & splicing it to another light,or making home made reflectors out of cardboard,if these 2 instances i gave are not enough to prove that little boy's are foolish & dangerous then it will never be proven.

Time & time again these children prove that they are not responsible by the stupid questions they ask,all they are worried about is big buds at no expense,they have no budget to buy any equipment so they steal whatever is laying around the house to convert it into grow gear,using any electrical device outside its intyended purpose is dangerous yet they dont care & their immaturity tells them that they know what their doing & that bad shit only happens to other people.

I would suspect also that the owner/staff made a decision based on the fact that most underage children still live at home with mom & pop & that mom & pop do not approve of them growing dope,dangerous shit aside, adults are supposed to let their own personal beliefs pass & submit to the wishes of a childs parent.

There's no good reason for children to be here,it makes us all look like irresponsible assholes when we allow it or help them endanger them self or others.


Active Member
Well said Panhead. I know I did some pretty stupid stuff when I was growing up and lived at home the parents and that was a long time ago. I'm pretty sure that kids havn't gotten any smarter or more responsible.

This thread should probably be moved into the toke n' talk forum, as we have definitely moved away from any talk associated with growing IMO.


i wouldnt disrespect them for being young.. but i would disrespect them for being stupid... personaly when i see threads like "stealth cfl first time grow" i immediatly think.. highschool kid growing in his parents house... ya know...


Well-Known Member
i can respect the conservative view to a certain one said anything about driving across country or about driving at all.

i think that teaching young people a way of using mind altering substances when they first find interest instead of sending them out into the street to cop from dealers may be a better option.

and what is wrong with knowing about sex? we should be more open about teaching safety over abstinance! I looked at a ton of porn on my moms 486
when it would take 5 min to load a page! and thank god! at least i had a clue when i finally got the chance to experience it for myself

either way this is about WEED
I agree about internet porn but thats not the issue here,if looking at internet porn caused children to stuff 1,000 watt halogen lamps inside a footlocker under their bed,then plug it into a 15 amp shared outlet thats powering their whole bedroom,or show them how to rig up a computer fan to a cell phone green board to get it to convert to 12 volt then porn would be bad,but thats not the case,the shit these kids are trying to use is border line insane.

Just take a look around here & look at the questions these children ask,no matter what we tell them they come right back trying another way to use whats laying around the house,children are stupid & dangerous,you were an idiot when you were a child & so was i,we all were,just because we didnt burn our houses down only means we got lucky.

With the only budget a child has which is his allowance or money he made mowing a lawn he will never spend any of it on real equipment,instead he'll take grandpa's 100 year old lamp from storage,rip the ancient cord & socket from it,then use some hot ass reptile light that his mommy bought him for his turtle named muffin that died last year,stuff all that shit into a Nike box,wrap it up in a towel & put it in the laundry hamper.

Kids are not smart & no amount of talking to them will change that fact.


Well-Known Member
thank you panhead...i guess i forget all the dumb ass shit i did back then ... thanks for the clear, on point response! I dont agree with growing in your parents house...for they are liable...i was thinking outside...but that closet with 500w of cfl wired to one lamp cord is a scary scary thing...


Im sure that the liability of rollitup for helping under age people is a big concern of the administration here but i gotta hope that good ole common sense & caring about peoples welfare has something to do with their decision to limit users to 18 & above.

I think most of us here started toking early but thats not the issue,a 12 or 14 year old kid is just plain stupid,not meant to be offensive but they are all stupid,careless,ignorant,impatient & dangerous, to themselves & others around them.

Who here would feel good about helping a 13 year old kid who's main concern is not saftey but stealth,so he piles a shitload of clothes on top of his shoe box stuffed with a 100 watt lightbulb in his closet,then starts a fire & destroy's his/her entire family's home,or worse gets people killed like small infants,these people do not have a choice.

From what ive seen on this site there are a lot of little boy's with big dreams of huge buds,they come up with all kind of dangerous shit like cutting a lamp cord in half & splicing it to another light,or making home made reflectors out of cardboard,if these 2 instances i gave are not enough to prove that little boy's are foolish & dangerous then it will never be proven.

Time & time again these children prove that they are not responsible by the stupid questions they ask,all they are worried about is big buds at no expense,they have no budget to buy any equipment so they steal whatever is laying around the house to convert it into grow gear,using any electrical device outside its intyended purpose is dangerous yet they dont care & their immaturity tells them that they know what their doing & that bad shit only happens to other people.

I would suspect also that the owner/staff made a decision based on the fact that most underage children still live at home with mom & pop & that mom & pop do not approve of them growing dope,dangerous shit aside, adults are supposed to let their own personal beliefs pass & submit to the wishes of a childs parent.

There's no good reason for children to be here,it makes us all look like irresponsible assholes when we allow it or help them endanger them self or others.
i give this post rep and a standing ovation.. this is absolutley true!! and for this reason RIU should take it seriously..


Well-Known Member
i guess i live in a fantasy where you can tell a kid "hot" and they dont


Well-Known Member
Well i just turned 18. I grow at home and my mum is aware of this. I dont think im stupid? No cfl grow though lol.

Not all teenager's are arrogant and immature.

Did any of you see the "when did you first start smoking" thread. If you did you would remember how most people stated they started smoking weed at around 12-15 years of age. Just something to think about....


i wasnt sayin i would disrespect you for being young did i.... i am well aware that not all teenagers are dumbasses. but the vast majority are!! like panhead said.. we could tell some kids they are not going to grow very well with cfls packed inside cardboard boxes untill we are blue in the face and it still wouldnt affect them.. thats stupidity. and i would disrespect anyone who put their family in danger just to grow like a dumbass!!


and ps the first time i smoked pot i was 17... not 12 or 15 .. i dont look down on people that started young but im glad i waited untill i could fully understand,respect and enjoy marijuana!!