So why do you smoke???


Well-Known Member
Smoking help me view the world from another perspective. When I go long periods of time without smoking I start to get stressed over the b.s. of everyday life. When I smoke, things become more clear.. I look at my life on a diffrent level.. Plus, it does make shit more entertaining!


Active Member
Helps me chill out and enjoy my evenings. I dont like to be around other people much though while Im medicated. I really messed up my back a few months ago and this plant does more for me than taking 3-4 10mg hydrocodines at a time. I had 5 hours of surgery and Im still all messed up and unemployeed. This plant betters my quality of life and I dont have hangovers or withdraws like alcohol and pain pills.

grow space

Well-Known Member
I smoke cas i like the sweet, magical herb, and it helps to deal with my back pains that sometimes makes my day like a day in hell..I also dont like to be in public so much..but i still sometimes go to school when im blazted to shreads...Usually i bake at home and do stuff thats around to too...But it also makes me very lonely when i bake alone...


i smoke mainly to combat major depression.... doesnt cure it, but it allows me to get out of bed, do what i need to do, and spend some time with the kids