So, you decided to take a few early sample buds... READ this. New technique...


Well-Known Member
So a buddy of mine is growing some Silver Haze and hes 10 weeks into flowering. I looked at his plants.. and they only got about a week to go before they're to their full ripeness.

He took some sample buds, and was looking for a quicker way to dry them. Well, I informed him that quick drying buds is useless.. and the only way to do it.. is the old fashion way by letting them hang dry. Well, I came up with a little quicker method of drying your buds.. that DOES NOT take away any potency or taste.

I grabbed one of my fans that I use in my bedroom.. and put it on low. I then took some sewing thread.. tied a knot around the ends of the two buds he gave me.. and then I taped the other end of the thread to the outer cage of the fan. I then turned the fan on its lowest setting (this was 6 days ago) and I never interrupted the process.

Well, I got up the morning to check on them.. and sure enough.. they're dry! I did the "break the stem" test.. and sure enough it was crispy and snapped right in half.

So then I thought well everything is going great here.. wonder how it smokes. So I load up my bowl with one of the nugs.. and I shit you ppl not.. it tasted GREAT!

I mean sure, it would taste wayyy better after a good 2 or 3 weeks worth of curing.. but as far as drying process goes.. it worked without a hitch!!! But! once again, until your give the buds a little time to cure.. they're still not going to taste as good as they would if they would have been cured for a few weeks..

but for being dried on only 6 days.. they tasted great. No harshness whatsoever.. I was actually surprised myself.. not thinking that the process would work. Well fuck me running backwards because it worked great.

I would highly suggest this to anyone who has a few "test" buds and need them dried within a week.. you can use the other methods.. but your not going to get anywhere near the quality of smoke.. with other methods.

This one DOES work!! If it didn't, I sure as hell wouldn't put my name behind it.

Your welcome!

peace :peace:
um 6 days is a little long for a "quick dry" anyone who really wants to dry their buds quickly should follow my 'cigar box quick dry' that i came up with.

its simple, get your self a cigar box, toss sample buds in, close the box, check in the next morning it should be dry and smokeable but it will taste a bit like cedar, if its not dry flip the buds over and give em another 6 hrs
it has for me. i woulndt post it if i hadnt tried it and its really simple. like set and forget

sry ganjalover if im being a thread jacker, your tech just didnt seem like a "quick dry" to me
Your quick dry method is slower than my regular hang dry method. lol where do you live ak it must be way humid or something
yeaa i use a similar method too. i get a shoebox.. and get a computer fan and wire the computer fan to a cell phone charger.. cut a square in tho bottom of the shoe box.. just big enough to fit the computer fan in tightly.. and then cut another hole at the top on the opposite side of where the fan is. (some shoeboxes already have that small circle hole in it.. and if thats te case, then dont cut another hole)

and after that i just get sum string and tie along the top (inside the shoebox) and hang the buds from there.. make sure the fans blowing IN the shoebox.. and cole it up tight and tape it up.. it will be ready in a day or 2... i also found that if u cut the bud into small piece.. like alittle big bigger than if u were to break it up... and place all the little pieces on teh very bottom of the shoebox and turn the fan on blowing in and tape it shut.. you can have sum dry buds within 24 hours... sumtimes less depending on the size of the fan.. and other things..

** one last tip.. wen u decide to take a sample bud.. try to take it wen u need to water ur plant.. i hadnt watered my plant for 3 days and i took a sample bud right b4 i watered her... and the bud was already a lil dry on the outside.. adn it dried for me (after i broke it into smaller pieces and put it in the shoebox) in about 7-8 hrs. and it tasted fine. adn got me high as shit. lol. and a week b4 that.. i had took another sample bud.. but i took it the day after i get it a good watering.. and it took much longer to dry.. never realized how much of a difference it makes.

i just (two minutes ago) took two sample buds off a sour bubble that looks about done. i put them on my ballast and came to the computer, go to harvest and curing section and this thread is right on top. i get all excited expecting to read something new and you tell me to tape it to a fan for a week. LOL these two buds would be dry in a few days just sitting on the coffee table.
six days, that's awesome, you really revolutionized the drying time/technique :) If I want a quick sample I'll stick a bud on top of my HPS ballast before I go to bed. Wake up next morning and it's perfect and doesn't even taste bad.. I do this to get a better idea of when I want to harvest the full plant.
Let your buds dry properly! Would you eat a half-ripened banana, or orange? A good way to tell when your plants are ready for harvest is by keeping an eye on the trichomes.
oh hell it doesn't hurt any to dabble a bit before the big harvest, and i'm pretty sure everybody including the new-b's know about the trichs.

half-ripened bananas are good, nice and starchy.

i'm surprised no one has mentioned nuking them. i personally don't do it, but even the bible suggests it. my buddy did it once, i personally thought it tasted like shit.
oh hell it doesn't hurt any to dabble a bit before the big harvest, and i'm pretty sure everybody including the new-b's know about the trichs.

half-ripened bananas are good, nice and starchy.

i'm surprised no one has mentioned nuking them. i personally don't do it, but even the bible suggests it. my buddy did it once, i personally thought it tasted like shit.

yeaa EVERY1 should try a sample.. at least once b4 u harvest....? i cant believe he's suggesting NOT to? and if i had NO FOOD then hell yeaa i would DEVOUR that 1/2 ripen bannana.... soo wen u have NO BUD.. there is NO problem takin a sample. =)

and naa man.. im against the microwave idea.. i tried it for the 1st time the other day.. i had a fan blowin on the bud.. and it was sumwat dry.. adn so i stuck it in the microwave for 3 seconds on its lowest setting.. adn it started sizzling.. it was hot.. an dmoister than wen i put it in there!! fuck the micorwave.. hahaha.. i would suggest using an oven.. that works fine. set it on like 150... and flip the bud every 5-10 min.
how bout being patient and waiting a week don't be a fiend bro.

if i was a fiegn i woulda been takin samples wayy before week 7.. its a sample bud.. to sample your product.. you might take the sample.. and really really enjoy that type of high and want to cut it down there to keep that high going. i've been being patient and wating 12-13 weeks... if i wanna take a small bud off my plant and smoke it because i have no bud, that should be my own business, and I/other people should not be ridiculed or called a "fiend" for it... why do other people care if i smoke a sample bud or not? its not hurting anybody else.
if i was a fiegn i woulda been takin samples wayy before week 7.. its a sample bud.. to sample your product.. you might take the sample.. and really really enjoy that type of high and want to cut it down there to keep that high going. i've been being patient and wating 12-13 weeks... if i wanna take a small bud off my plant and smoke it because i have no bud, that should be my own business, and I/other people should not be ridiculed or called a "fiend" for it... why do other people care if i smoke a sample bud or not? its not hurting anybody else.
I've been taking sample buds for as long as I've been growing. This is the only way to tell if your buds are trully ready. Trichomes and time in the flowering room give you and idea, but the only way to be sure is to smoke a little. It doesn't hurt the plant whatsoever to snip one small bud off of a lower branch.bongsmilie
I've been taking sample buds for as long as I've been growing. This is the only way to tell if your buds are trully ready. Trichomes and time in the flowering room give you and idea, but the only way to be sure is to smoke a little. It doesn't hurt the plant whatsoever to snip one small bud off of a lower branch.bongsmilie

exactly!! =) thatw wat i tell ppl wen they ask me if their plants r ready.. i say if u wanna be completely sure.. try sum? lol. cut off a bud.. if you enjoy the high then go for it.. a plant is only truly ready wen u want it to be. sum ppl like pre-matur bud.. that uppy high.. others like the buds "well-done" and be zombified. lol.

it deff doesnt bother the plant.. and it sure as hell doesnt bother me. =D
I've posted this before, but if you're in a pinch, a food dehydrator works great. 24 hours at 95* and you're golden.
I've posted this before, but if you're in a pinch, a food dehydrator works great. 24 hours at 95* and you're golden.

wrap the bud in tin foil and throw it in the oven for 30 minutes at like 125. it will get crispy shortly after its dried so start watching it after about 25 minutes. these times are based on a small bud or two enough for a bowl or doobie.

it will stink a bit in the kitchen so beware.
roflcopter!! this dude started this thread tryin to help folks get by and just got rolled on! gdamn im laughin hard at this!