So, you decided to take a few early sample buds... READ this. New technique...

ive tried a 22r method..
grab partially dried product, roll into a joint, and go strolling!
one day a couple friends and i were doing a mural for my school. thought of doing it high so i took a little sample out of mine for the night..but it didnt dry on time. so after rolling it and noticing it was still wet, i just popped the hood of my good ol' hilux, dropped the joint on the head and waited about 30 min. and BOOM! got pretty high! didnt really notice a difference with the buds that dried properly..
another method i use is the hot cab(temps round here get to like 95 in the days). grab some bud,if its thick id chop it a little.roll it up in a napkin and put it on the seat of a car with the windows rolled up!
yes if it would get me lifted.

lol. exactly.. if i had no food.. i would eat it.. and i had no bud.. so i would smoke it. =) (the bud not the bannana.. lol)

its your bud so smoke if you want to

exactly.. wtf does it matter to him? even if i grew it.. and decided to set it on fire... lol. wow.. i could never imagin doin that.... lol.

roflcopter!! this dude started this thread tryin to help folks get by and just got rolled on! gdamn im laughin hard at this!

i know... =/ i felt kinda bad.. e was all excited adn posted it up and ppl were just like no.. ur method sucks.. basically. lol. but it might have helped hi out actually.. cuz his method took 6 days.. and now we have multiple ways to dry it.. sum in a few hours.. sum in a couple days.. sum with better taste.. etc.. soo in my opinion.. the thread is still a success. =)
6 day quick dry??? That's kind of a contradiction isnt it? You don;t lose potency in a quick dry either by the way. In fact the THC levels are very high, and very little has been converted to CBNs at this point. The problem with fast drying is of course the taste and the character of the smoke. Chlorophyll is nasty shit, and there in lies the problem with weed dryed to fast.

Incidentally, when i wanna check the buzz off something alittle early, i trim up a small brach, then i take the buds and wrap them in one layer of toilet paper, and set it in back of my laptop where the exhaust comes out. Within a couple hours it's plenty dry to smoke (albiet a bit harsh!!) but you certainly have a good idea of what you've got maturity-wise.

Now don't get me wrong on my initial comments on potency. THC % is not the whole story with dope. If it was Marinol would work, and we'd all just grow the same strain based on THC levels. I'm just saying that potency is very high in quick dryed weed. It's still though very obviously unfinished!
the microwave works! yeah they come out wetter than when they went in try leaving them in the friggin microwave for 5 minutes after you nuke them for 20 seconds they come out dry! a little harsh but dry - 5 minutes - enough said.
for all you retards... nuke for 20 seconds (makes noises so dont be scared) then leave the microwave door shut and get them out in 5 minutes.
the microwave may be the quickest method.........but id rather slow cook with my methods..never really liked what comes outta the microwave.
yeaa same. no microswave for me... and i feel like saying "all you retardss" isnt gonna help get ppl to try ur method eaither.. speaking of "retards" u cant just say to put it in for 20 sec... what if its tiny...? or what if its huge... and ur supposed to set the strength to 50%... i can gaurentee u that if u took a bud and put it in my microwabe for 20 seconds... it would be FRIED!! i did it for THREE sec. and it wa.s sizzling hott.. i cant imagine leavin it in there for another 17 sec
Sweet baby jesus on a stick! We've gone from the string to fan method, BACK to cluckville and Microwaving our precious nugs! Egh, gentlemen and hot internet broads, ive never met,..maybe that fella from the first page was a bit more dead on than, we may let up to,..there is a bit of fiend factor ozzing in. For realioz family, nothing wrong with testing/sampling a bud from your harvest to see where its at, but lets be honest, we ALL invest upwards to 3 months in this process, 3 days of medicore drying, will do. IF, we really are needing some smoke to get by, Ide HOPE as smokers, we have homies, that lend a hand, or if not, go score an 8th or .25. Sure, "Hey man, we're growing, so we dont have to spend that money!", well, I agree, but the way I see it, if you have the money to invest in the process, then you shoulda factored in your habit along with it.
Long story short, smoke on fellas, let no tight ass, tell you how to fuck up your own grow and or sample from it! Listen, bottomline bitches, I wouldnt EVER microwave my chronic, period, point blank, end of story, case closed, game set match & fuck that. Believe me, I dont want to go a day without smoking, BUT sadly, Ive had days where ive had to, and unfortunatly, Im sure Ill have to endure that pain again.



6 days with a fan on. LOL. May work for some, but the humidity is so low for some people the buds dry out in less than a day without any fans.
It all depends on your circumstances
wrap the bud in tin foil and throw it in the oven for 30 minutes at like 125. it will get crispy shortly after its dried so start watching it after about 25 minutes. these times are based on a small bud or two enough for a bowl or doobie.

it will stink a bit in the kitchen so beware.

yeah what he said, i like cuttin the fresh buds into small bits then lay them on tin foil in the oven at 170 Deg F for 10 - 20 min

use the oven its quik and wont destroy your "samples"
I just put the buds in a coffee filter, and put it on top of the cable box (or whatever electronic equip.) over the vent on top. Dry in less than a day-and-a-half.
You gotta use paper towel, or some TP, to wrap around your bud when using the microwave method.. Otherwise the moisture has no where to go, you want it to absorb into the towel..
Do you guys think premature but triched out bud would burn better in a homemade GB (gravity bong), a regular water pipe, or a regular spoon hand pipe would be the best method for this type of bud?