So you want a gun to protect your grow?


Well-Known Member
How about escape out the back door with your 9 yr old if possible? I think some people are looking for an excuse to start shooting.
Are u kidding me? I'm sure he let them know to come rob him so that he might be able to kill them in front of his child. That's the dumbest shit I've ever heard. Ur starting to sound like the typical lib. Explain to me how its somehow morally superior for you and your family to be slaughtered in your home defenselessly in comparison to using your constitutional right to defend yours? Flee your own home? U sound like a God damned coward.. the type that would flee the scene leaving his family's to fend for their own.

Uncle Pirate

Active Member
Simple rules:
If someone is on your property outside the home, warn them. Tell them to get the fuck on before something bad happens.
If someone is inside your home, too late for warnings, too small of an environment, too easy to get fucked up, shoot em.. Don't take any chances.


Well-Known Member
2 nice groups on the second pic. What kinda gun? Looks like a 9 or 40 and judging by the groups it appears ur squeezing the trigger. Rather than pulling it back. Causing the barrel to drop down a tiny bit


King Tut
well thats a little extreme, me personally, id shoot em in the leg so we can have a nice long conversation :) killing them seems a little overboard but the guy probably wasnt a trained killer and didnt yell that he had a gun. he was probably scared shitless on the other side of a door finger on the trigger shaking like a leaf, but when they came at him, "boom!" so i dont blame him, just his lack of training. TBH its irrelevant whether he had plants or not they could have came to rob him for dozens of reasons.
Trying to shoot somebody in the leg would denote a lack of training. Two to center mass then come up to the head. If it's still there, he's still standing and therefore still a threat so a third round would be warranted to effectively cease the threat.

no clue

Well-Known Member
Simple rules:
If someone is on your property outside the home, warn them. Tell them to get the fuck on before something bad happens.
If someone is inside your home, too late for warnings, too small of an environment, too easy to get fucked up, shoot em.. Don't take any chances.
There is nothing here I disagree with.


New Member
well thats a little extreme, me personally, id shoot em in the leg so we can have a nice long conversation :) killing them seems a little overboard but the guy probably wasnt a trained killer and didnt yell that he had a gun. he was probably scared shitless on the other side of a door finger on the trigger shaking like a leaf, but when they came at him, "boom!" so i dont blame him, just his lack of training. TBH its irrelevant whether he had plants or not they could have came to rob him for dozens of reasons.
I think Home Invasion is a bit Extreme .. Dont you ?


Well-Known Member
Guns or no guns, sometimes you wake up and the invasion is already in full swing. Not much you can do with gun in the back of you neck. And it will fuck you brain for life!


Well-Known Member
when you take a ccp classs to carry a gun legally , your tought to shoot to kill , thell teach you to shoot until the threat is down on the ground, your instructer will tell you the same and lot of times the police will teach those classes thell tell you put six holes in those fuckers. stupid thing is if you have a life threating issue you kill them its ok youll get off . but if you try to shoot for the leg then your life was not in danger . why did you not leave the house ? you hid time to shoot a moveing leg very hard to doo, then youll go to jail and get sued, the guy did the right thing so stop talking about things you dont know the truth about,


Active Member
How about escape out the back door with your 9 yr old if possible? I think some people are looking for an excuse to start shooting.
The problem with this mentality is you just helped progress a criminal to the next level. "Hey, I broke into this dudes house with guns and he ran away, man this shit works, maybe next time I will up the odds a little and ______". You feel in the blank, I'm not going to risk having an innocent persons death on my hands by letting a dangerous criminal leave my place and hurt someone else later, is going down if I have the slightest opportunity to get a bead on him.