So you want to grow pot outdoors eh?

Do oranges, grapefruits, lemons, etc, grow where you live? If not, you need to grow a strain like cinex that matures in mid-september. Otherwise you need a greenhouse.The most important time of a plants life is the last few weeks, which for most species is mid to late october. If you try to grow a strain that matures in mid to late october, you'll wind up having to harvest it early because it's too fucked up from cold to grow to full maturity, or it's too wet and it's in danger of getting bud rot. All you'll get is shitty weed that was harvested early if it isn't protected from the environment.

If you do live where it gets below 60 degrees at night and/or it rains a lot, go to a hardware store and buy 1 inch pvc for sprinklers and build a frame around your plant. Buy a roll of painters plastic and wrap it around the frame- now you have a greenhouse. Get a propane heater that doesn't emit light and run it at night to keep it warm. Keeping the greenhouse above 80 in the day time and leaving the propane running will create a co2 enriched environment that will cause increased growth and bigger buds. However, burning propane also releases moisture, so you have to keep fans running for air movement at all times and you have to open up the plastic a few times a day to let out the humidity and allow fresh air into the greenhouse. Fungus loves dead air, so high humidity and no air movement is a sure recipe for bud rot. At night time, cover the greenhouse with a tarp to keep heat inside.

Basically, you have to create an indoor growroom outdoors, which isn't easy. Good luck
Who took the jam out of your donut? It's a plant .. not the be all and end all.if a plants harvested a bit early, so what it's still a near free smoke! If you have that much time to muck about with a plant in your garden.... then I don't really know what to say . It's supposed to be fun or a learning experience, each year you understand your own growing situation alittle better and get better results. Sorry to be a little short but chill out smoke a joint. This is outdoor growing.
if a plants harvested a bit early, so what it's still a near free smoke!

So? I live where there is legal weed. Crappy weed has no value here. High quality eights of legal weed cost 20 bucks, and prices are dropping. If you're a dipshit that wants to spend 5 months growing crap weed, feel free.

It's supposed to be fun or a learning experience

then quit whining when you learn something retard.
Working with what nature dishes out is challenging for sure

Some people enjoy such a challenge and are up to the task, whereas others are not.
I agree. I grow my own tomatoes because they taste better than the ones you find in a store.

I grow my own pot because it also tastes better, smells better, doesn't involve anyone who might be connected to a drug cartel or terrorist organization, and gives me the satisfaction of meeting the challenge of growing pot outdoors.

Yeah, I fight bud worm, bud rot, high wind bothers me, as does heavy rainfall. The missus said,"hell no" to growing pot in the house, so I do the best I can with what I can. I am fairly pleased with the garden that I have. Don't care if you like growing it in a greenhouse, or grow tent. That's cool but I have to stay outside..... so I do the best I can do to promote domestic tranquility in my situation. It works well for me thus far so I grow outside in the rain, wind, etc.

One advantage is that I never have to worry about is if my light is at the right height from my plants. It's always at the right height! No light burn for my plants!! No timer to buy, no hydroponic setup to buy, organic is the best way to grow as far as I am concerned. I think that a greenhouse is kinda cheating on the "organic " label. But I still want one lol. One day perhaps.
Working with what nature dishes out is challenging for sure

Some people enjoy such a challenge and are up to the task, whereas others are not.

I hear you on that. We just spend the weekend harvesting our vineyard a week sooner than I would have liked as the birds moved in and were having a feast. We pulled in 1600lbs worth. The choice was to harvest early and have great amount of decent grapes or wait a week and have very little of great grapes. The same though process was used on our outdoor grow too. We do the best we can with the given circumstances.
all my outdoor, are clones I was gonna just toss. I always deal with bugs, caterbasterds, and worst of all bud rot.

I tossed most of my outdoor out, cause its was gonna be hell to trim. I mostly just give it away; I had some squished, it didn't turn out very good. dull and very brown.

unless you have a nice greenhouse, its very hard to manage at least for me anyways.
That's cool but I have to stay outside..... so I do the best I can do to promote domestic tranquility in my situation. It works well for me thus far so I grow outside in the rain, wind, etc.

Do you like Indica? Lot of strains of indica have early seasons and can be grown in colder environments. Some of the best hash comes from indica grown it at high altitudes in the himilayas where growing seasons are short. It's the sativa dominant strains that can be especially challenging in cold wet climates.
I hear you on that. We just spend the weekend harvesting our vineyard a week sooner than I would have liked as the birds moved in and were having a feast. We pulled in 1600lbs worth. The choice was to harvest early and have great amount of decent grapes or wait a week and have very little of great grapes. The same though process was used on our outdoor grow too. We do the best we can with the given circumstances.

have somone shoot everything that moves!!!!!

So? I live where there is legal weed. Crappy weed has no value here. High quality eights of legal weed cost 20 bucks, and prices are dropping. If you're a dipshit that wants to spend 5 months growing crap weed, feel free.

then quit whining when you learn something retard.
New member
And already used the word retard to describe someone.

What time is your bedtime ?
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So? I live where there is legal weed. Crappy weed has no value here. High quality eights of legal weed cost 20 bucks, and prices are dropping. If you're a dipshit that wants to spend 5 months growing crap weed, feel free.

then quit whining when you learn something retard.
Weeds always been illegal here, crappy weed has always had no or little value.

People have been growing cannabis outside since before electricity, I'm sure you can work it out.

Sometimes you new legal growers are a lot like teenage children.
So am I. the way you get offended about how crappy the weed is that you're growing tells me that you can't though.
yea its terrible...always is, doesn't get you stoned, know one lines up to purchase it........

Guess I need to start a silly thread about how much I suck at growing and have a whinge about how hard it is. O wait, I'm in a thread about that some one else started.

Instead of having a cry why its impossible and insulting people like a teenage wannabe why not ask for solutions to your problems, cause they are out there. Maybe even have a read of some thread NEW MEMBER and see what people are doing. Hint: gmountain.

But I'm glad having a cry got it off your chest.